I’m not used to waking up in someone else’s bed. Normally I’d duck out in the middle of the night.

Nothing I do with Lenny is normal.

I have to go for a run before power skate, plus the gym, plus class later. I can’t hang around. But for the first time ever, I don’t want to leave.

What is wrong with me?

Any other girl I’d be out of here in seconds, but not Lenny. Not this woman.

I pull on my boxer briefs and my sweatpants.

I should go look for her in the house before I leave. If she left already, she didn’t leave a note. I’m sure I’ll run into her on my way out.

I look all around, but there is no sign of my shirt.

Did she hide it? That’s what I’d think if she was anyone else, but I get the feeling Lenny wouldn’t do that.

Is she wearing it?

My cock twitches just thinking of the image of her wearing my shirt again.

Opening the door, I hear a voice and some running water down the hall. To the right is an opened door with light filtering into the hall.

Creeping closer to it, trying to be unseen and unheard, I listen to see if I recognize the voice.

Plus, I have to pee, bad.

“I still did not appreciate being completely blindsided by Nick lounging on my bed.” It’s Lenny, and what the fuck is she saying about me?

“Uh helwo! Ru know I ate swiders!” The other girl says with her mouth full.

“Uh hello! I was naked! Not cool Bridget!” Lenny is talking about when she first walked into her room.

Ok, it’s not that bad.

She’s upset that her friend let me into her room. I get it, but it turned out great.

I hear someone spit into the sink.

“Oh please, I heard you through the walls. ‘Oh Nick. Fuck me.’”Bridget mimics our orgasms, her mouth no longer filled with toothpaste.

I laugh and step up to the door as Bridget continues.

“Oh, you're so good!”She keeps going with her back to me.

I lean against the doorway, listening. Lenny spots me and her eyes go wide.

She looks so fucking good in my shirt with her just fucked hair up in a messy bun and frizzy ends sticking out.

I smirk and nod to her friend. Lenny laughs, and her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.

She’s fucking adorable.

“Oh Lenny, come for me.”

Lenny clears her throat and motions to the door behind Bridget.

Bridget turns around slowly, her jaw dropping. Her face immediately turns a bright red.