“Got ya,” I smirk with a spring in my step.
“You’re kidding, right?” He still looks nervous as I gleefully line up my ball. “Fuck. You’re definitely joking?”
I hit the ball perfectly straight before turning back to him.
“You should see yourself right now.” I wave my club in the air motioning over him. “If this was a date I’d be very concerned about how you get laid at all. You kidnapped me and dragged me to a rundown golf place. While speeding and scaring the shit out of me.”
His shoulders visibly relax, realizing I’m not at all serious.
“Don’t scare me like that.” He points at me. “And I was not speeding.”
“The roads were wet!” I throw my hands up for emphasis.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist. I was going the exact speed limit.” He scoffs before he takes his next ball out. “For your information, if I wanted to take you out on a date it would be very romantic and unforgettable.”
“Well if I wanted you to take me on a date, I would hope it would be.” That sounded way better in my head. “When was the last time you’ve gone on a real date?” I quickly add to recover.
Nick’s face scrunches as he thinks it over. “It’s been a while,” he utters quietly.
If I had to guess, I’d say Nick Miller has never taken a girl out on a real date without his parents chaperoning.
“What about you?” He fires back. “When was your last real, romantic date?”
“Romantic, where I actually felt something for the guy? Not since last semester, but that didn’t go well.” I confess just a bit of information, not wanting to get into details. “A real date? Over the summer there were a couple, but none were very romantic.”
Nick swallows and shifts his gaze down uncomfortably.
We finish up in an awkward silence.
“Let’s go, I’ll get you homevery slowly,”Nick says after we pack up. Holding the door out for me, he clears his throat and shifts his jeans.
The word ‘slow’hangs heavy between us. It brings up images of the last night we were together, making me shiver.
“Still friends?” He glances over at me as he drives onto the highway.
“Sure, as long as you don’t consider me the enemy.” I joke.
The awkward silence is killing me.
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” He teases back at me.
Another awkward silence. It’s uncomfortable, but I have no idea what to say. I have no idea what he’s thinking about, but he’s definitely in deep thought over something.
“I’ve never read anything you’ve written, but from what I have observed, you’re very passionate,” Nick says, but then backtracks. “I mean in general, as a person. You know, in like the way you dove right into golfing with me and other... stuff.”
Oh god, where was he going with this?
“I just think… screw them!” He slams his fist on the steering wheel, making me jump. “If you're passionate about your articles like that, then who cares about Dustin or Marie. Show their asses up and be you!”
I can’t help but laugh. Nick Miller is being nice to me. He isn’t known for being congenial. He’s known more for being egotistical or cocky.
Those are just rumors.
However, he is the captain of the hockey team, so it makes sense he knows how to encourage others. And the more I get to know him, the more I see how false those rumors are.
“Thanks. I think.” I mull over his words. He does have a point.
We pull up to the campus and drive to sorority row. I wasn’t sure if he’d actually drop me off at home or make me walk.