I’ve made a decision in the last few days. I want Lenny.
I don’t want a girlfriend, but I want her. In my bed. On a regular basis.
It’s not too much to ask for. Right?
“Well, congrats on your win. But I don’t think any of that luck rubbed off on me.” She shifts in her seat uncomfortably, again looking over her shoulder.
“Why not? Not feeling very lucky?” I ask, getting her attention again.
Why is she so uncomfortable around me?
When we’re alone she’s not like this. It’s like she doesn’t want to be seen with me.
“Not really. No.” She looks right at me this time.
It’s like looking straight through the ice over a frozen rink. Her eyes are like crystals, with a tint of blue.
“Why are you really here?” She asks, throwing me off.
I’m not expecting it, and I don’t know what to say.
Do I just come right out and ask her to be my fuck buddy?
It’s not everyday I’m rendered speechless, especially in front of a girl.
I’m used to girls being all over me and interested in everything I have to say. Even though it’s gotten extremely annoying especially since none of those girls are actually interested in anything I’m saying, I'm definitely taken aback by Lenny not even wanting to sit with me.
“Uh, to eat dinner?” I say, getting frustrated.
Why can’t I just hang out with her?
“I’m really not in the mood for this.” She angrily slams her phone face down on the table. “I gave your shirt back. I don’t have any classes with you this semester. I’m not writing anything about you. As if they would let me. We fucked. It’s done. What else do you want from me?”
“Wow, ok then. I guess that’s it.” I pack up my gyro to sit somewhere else.
Lenny is being a nasty bitch. I thought she was cool, someone I could hang out with. She isn’t clingy. She doesn’t expect anything from me. I thought she was chill, but I don’t know her at all. We only really hung out once. The second time we hardly talked.
I sit at a different table and look over at her once more.
Shit. She’s crying.
I made Lenny cry.
I didn’t even do anything, but I still feel like shit.
I grumble and walk back over to her, throwing out the small portion left of my gyro on the way.
She’s looking down at her phone again resting her head on her fists. It’s the same position I first saw her in.
“Ok, why are you crying?” I pull a chair up next to her.
A tear splashes on her phone which has a picture of the ice dancers.
Is she crying over the ice dance team? Is she on the ice dance team?
I’ve never seen her by the rink. I feel like I would know if she is, but then again, I don’t know much about her.