I’m not in the mood tonight.
How the fuck do I turn Cora down? To be honest, she fucking scares the shit out of me, but in a sexy hot way.
Me:Raincheck? Early practice in the AM, plus we have a game tomorrow night.
If there’s one thing Cora understands, it’s hockey.
Cora:Too bad. I just got a new toy to try out.
Tempting, very tempting, but it can wait.
I’m not that desperate and I feel oddly satisfied after my night with Lenny.
We won our first game.
With my twenty saves, we shut out the other team, not letting them get one goal in. The luck from my shirt is still ripe.
Winning the first game of the season is a good sign.
I don’t think I ever played that well in the first game.
“What are we doing to celebrate?” Luca asks as we leave the arena.
“I’m going to hang out with Layla,” Greg announces. “She’s just getting out of her meet now. Can I get the room tonight?”
“No. I’m going to sleep early tonight.” I ignore Greg’s pleading eyes.
I have an early morning run planned. No celebrating easy wins. It’s part of my “No Distractions” rule.
“Yo man, seriously?” Greg argues, angrily.
He’s pissed. As he should be.
I knew he was going to ask for the room sooner or later.
“That’s what you get for walking in on me.” I have no remorse. “I flipped the sign. You ignored it.”
We have a small sign on the outside of our door. It goes unnoticed by anyone who doesn’t know it’s there. On the front, it says “The King’s Room'' on the other side it says “Private Party in Progress.”
As soon as I led Lenny into my room I made sure to flip that sign.
“Fuck man, I was drunk.” Greg curses under his breath.
Not only did he almost screw up my time with Lenny, but I’m also saving him from himself.
I can tell he really likes this girl. He’s going to blow it by sleeping with her too soon. As soon as his dick gets inside her, he’s going to fall in love with her, and then she’s going to run from his overbearingness.
I’ll just let him hate me for a week.
“Not going to see Cora or Lenny tonight?” Luca teases.
“Nah, I’m not a pathetic love sick puppy like Greg here.” I joke back.
No. Instead I stare up at my ceiling all night and jerk off to the image of Lenny tying me up the same way Cora did. It’s the perfect combination.
Cora’s rough take no shit attitude mixed with Lenny’s passion and complete loss of control.
They are the perfect combination that I want.