That’s all I saw, though. Just his thighs. And possibly a little peek at his balls.

That’s it!

And maybe just the tip.

Yup, that was definitely the tip of his cock.

Not only is that not humiliating enough, but I don’t even know how long I stood there staring at him. I was frozen for at least two seconds, maybe more.

Definitely more.

This is so embarrassing.

Please earth, just swallow me up and let me disappear. Just for a little while. A few days, maybe?

I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t say anything to Jerrick about the gym’s peeping employee. I’ll get fired for sneaking a peek at Nick Miller’s naked body.

Yup, now that would be even more humiliating. Add it to my resume of minimal life and job experiences.

Nick comes out a minute later, fully dressed, holding the door for me.

“All clear,” he says with a smirk.

“Thanks,” I mumbled before ducking under his arm, not making any eye contact.

I kept my eyes glued to the floor. I’m embarrassed enough, I don’t need to see it in Nick Miller’s face.

I just have to check the aisles quickly, and leave. Just a quick sweep and then I can be on my way and never come face-to-face with the legendary Nick Miller again.

The overnight cleaning crew will come in later to pick up any towels or messes in the bathroom and showers. And by the time that happens, this nightmare will be over. I will go back to being the invisible girl who cleans the machines and works the smoothie counter from time to time.

First aisle clear, second aisle check, third…ugh!

There, under the bench is a set of keys. In the same aisle that Nick was just in. The same spot I had just seen him seconds ago with nothing but a towel in his hand.

I pick them up to see a Drexton Hall key card and a hockey goalie stick keychain. They’re his, no mistaking it.

I walk out not even bothering to check the rest of the aisles. I don’t care anymore. Jerrick can take his locker room check and stick it up his pompous ass. It’s not like anyone else was in the gym for the past few hours. It’ll be fine.

Ok, I went back and glanced down each aisle. Just a glance and nothing to report.

When I come back out I hear Nick still talking to Jerrick at the front desk. Hiding behind the wall, I listen closely.

I can’t show my face again. Not after that. I’ll never show my face in front of him ever again. It’s not like we’re ever really near each other, but now I will avoid any chance encounters.

“Yeah, it was one hell of a loss. Their power play is what killed us.” Nick says, talking about the last game he played. The one that sent the team packing.

I saw it.

The power play goal is what cost Drexton Hall the game. It should’ve been an easy save. I’ve seen him make saves on goals that were nearly impossible to stop. That goal should’ve been a walk in the park for Nick Miller, but it wasn’t.

No one knows for sure what happened.

My guess is Nick’s knee.

I saw him taking extra care with it the last couple of weeks. It’s probably the reason for his intense leg workouts tonight, and why he keeps favoring it. No one mentioned an injury, but he definitely wasn’t playing like himself.

Not that I’m a stalker.