“You fucking bitch!”

I scramble and push to get out, but Luca and Greg are already barreling down the hall.

The blinding rage builds as I see Jeremy push Lenny against the wall. She’s yelling something, but I don’t hear it.

Luca steps between them first, protecting Lenny and Greg pushes Jeremy back.

But I grab him from behind and toss him to the other side. Getting in his face, I hold him against the wall.

I could pummel this guy. I really want to. But Greg is holding my shoulder back. I really want to deck this guy for all his questions earlier. For what he said to Lenny. For touching Lenny.

I could kill him.

I’ve never felt this angry before. Not even when Dustin Vieux destroyed my reputation and broke my relationship with my high school girlfriend.

I didn’t feel for her the way I do Lenny. I thought I loved her, but it was nothing compared to the way my heart and soul craves Lenny.

“Nick.” Lenny rubs my arm, clearing my blurred vision that was focused on the asshole smirking as I pin him to the wall.

He wants me to hit him.

He wants a good story about the angry and abusive Nick Miller.

“He’s not worth it.” Lenny soothes my tense biceps. “Please stop. I’m ok.”

She’s ok.

But I’m not.

I don’t know what’s going on here and I’m too angry to think through it. I need some air. I need to clear my head.

Without a word, I release Jeremy and make my way out to the parking lot. I hear them calling after me, but I need to be alone. This night has been the worst night of my life. It’s worse than when I first hurt my knee or when I lost the game for us.

My chest tightens as my heart breaks, but I need to do this. I need to think before I do something I can’t take back.

Chapter 42


One minute Nick and I are playfully flirting over the short glass that separates the seats from the player’s bench. And the next I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut.

Jeremy came out of nowhere.

He’s been asking me questions about Nick all night. Asking how well I know him and if I have any dark secrets to tell. All that after asking what our relationship really is. He was being a complete jerk.

I told him Nick was my boyfriend and he laughed as if I was kidding or I was making it all up.

I just had to focus on the game, get through the three periods and then spend the last night with Nick before heading home for the holidays. But then Jeremy comes over, interrupting our playful banter, with questions about Nick’s injury that no one but the two of us knew about.

And then the look on Nick’s face as he glared at me.

He thinks I told Jeremy.

He thinks I betrayed his trust.

I would never do that to him. I never told anyone.

I have no idea how Jeremy found out and Nick was called away before I could defend myself. I have to make this right. He has to know I would never break his trust like that.