What the fuck?
My eyes go right to Lenny.
How does he know?
Did she tell him?
I trusted her.
Lenny gapes at him. “What? How–?” Her mouth hangs open, not able to finish her questions.
When she turns to me, her eyes widen and she shakes her head holding her mouth closed tight.
“Nick, let’s go. Inside.” Coach yells out to me.
I don’t answer him and I don’t say anything to Lenny.
I can’t believe she would do that to me.
I head straight for the locker room without a second glance back.
We still have one more period to play, but I’m losing my mind.
Coach calls out for me to go to his office, but I ignore him. Instead I go to my cubby and throw my helmet against the wall.
I’m about to punch the same spot when an arm holds me back.
“Let go!” I wail, but Greg is holding back my arms and pushing me against the wall. Holt jumps in and helps him until they both have me pinned.
I don’t even know what I’m fighting for, but I can’t stop fighting against them. My vision is blurred over in a blind rage.
Then everything becomes clear as ice cold water is dumped over my head.
I’m usually the one dumping the ice water over some hot head in the locker room. I’m usually the level headed one.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for over a year now.” Carter grins as his face comes into focus before he tosses the bucket to the side. He’s usually the one getting the water dumped on him.
I lost focus. I let myself get distracted.
I’m supposed to be the one holding this team together.
Slowly, Holt lets go of my arm and backs away with a slap on my shoulder and a deep grunt.
Greg lets go too, but sits down on the bench next to me. “What happened? Is it that guy talking to Lenny?”
“Do we need to beat someone up?” Luca plops down on the other side of me.
How this kid wormed his way into my personal life, I will never know.
It might be the same way Lenny did.
I feel completely blindsided.
“I trusted her.” I say in disbelief.
Coach comes over, tossing a dry jersey at me. “It’s not as bad as you think it is. Get changed. We still have one more period to play.”