“Just call her now.” Holt jumps in and grabs my phone out of my pocket, holding it out for me to take and call her.
“Nah, I don’t know.” I don’t even bother to take my phone back.
It’s no use. She probably thinks I hooked up with one of those girls. I don’t blame her. If I was her I’d think the same thing with the way things started between us.
We’re just doomed to never be together.
Holt shakes his head and takes my phone to his ear.
My eyes go wide as a smirk forms on his face. He starts to walk back on the bus, before I can stop him. I can’t make a scene on the bus.
“Lenny! Or should I say Lenora?” What? Is that Lenny’s name? “It’s Holt. Holt Bramby.” He laughs as I catch up to him and try to pull the phone away, but he holds out his finger telling me to wait a minute. “How could I forget that?” He grins.
What is happening here?
I make another attempt before I’m being pushed back into my seat behind Holt by others trying to get back on the bus.
Greg is laughing as he slides in next to me. My seat is directly behind Holt’s but he’s standing facing me, keeping a safe distance.
“As much as I’d like to go down memory lane.” All different scenarios of what kind of memories they could have together go through my head.
Did they fuck?
Holt doesn’t have sex with random girls. He does other stuff, stuff I have no desire to know about. But I know he talks about getting sucked off every once in a while.
Did she blow him? I think I’m going to be sick.
“Look, I’m just warming you up for Nick. My goalie is being a real pussy.” Silence and I’m getting ready to strangle him. “Unless you want me to take you out on a date? I don’t really do dates, but I wouldn’t mind if I came home tonight to someone naked in my bed waiting.”
My fists clench at my sides.
“You should see him right now. I heated him up just for you.” He laughs. “You got me there. Ok your secret is safe with me. Oh, and Lenny, don’t break his heart, at least wait until after I get drafted.”
He laughs again, because I know my Lenny is giving him hell.
“Yeah, yeah. You got me again.” He nods with a smile. “Before he bursts I’m going to hand the phone over. Nice talking to you.”
I check the screen and sure as shit he’s been talking to Lenny. Unless he was leaving some elaborate voicemail. I don’t know which is worse.
“Hello?” I slump down in my seat.
Greg is grinning like a schoolgirl next to me and Holt is eyeing me from above urging me on with his eyes.
“Hi.” Lenny breathes. “What was that about?”
“Did you hook up with Holt?” I blurt out, because I’m a complete and total moron.
Holt and Greg both groan and shake their heads. I’m about to apologize and take it back when Lenny yells through the phone.
“No! Is that really your question you were trying to ask? You’ve slept with at least half the student body, and it matters that much to you if I hooked up with Holt?” She shouts bluntly.
“Hey. I have not slept around that much. Most of those are rumors.” I just screwed this up again.
“Yeah, and did you havefunlast night?” She emphasizes the word fun and I know she’s talking about the two girls hitting on me.
“No. Nothing happened.” Greg and Holt are telling me to stop or abort or something I can’t tell. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I just didn’t like the way he was talking to you. It’s not the question I wanted to ask.”
Greg is shaking his head no, and Holt is telling me yes, disagreeing if it’s still a good time to ask her out. I feel like I’m back in high school, asking out a girl for the first time, and I can’t think straight with these two breathing down my neck.