“Give me that!” I say and grab it from him. “Alex, do you want to get me expelled?”

“Relax, I only took a few sips, and no one knows me here. I could be your older brother!” He says innocently.

“When did you start drinking anyway?” I scoff, remembering the little boy from when I went off to college.

Now he’s over six feet tall and spilling out of his seat.

Sure, I’ve been home on breaks and during the summer, but seeing him here is like a whole new Alex. I can picture him going to school here. He’s no longer the little kid falling over his skates to catch a puck.

“I’m a senior. I go to parties.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal.

“Just be careful. If you don’t stay out of trouble, you can kiss your future goodbye.” I have to warn him of this stuff.

I’m the older sister, it’s my job.

“Yes, mom.” He groans just as the buzzer goes off for the end of the second period.

Still no score.

The teams look frustrated and are having words with each other as they head to the locker rooms. Nick glances up and catches my eye. He smiles before heading in.

Good thing Alex was looking at his phone. Layla caught it, and is now looking at me with a wide grin.

“What?” I ask, sinking back into my seat.

“Nothing. Just noticing something.” She brushes it off and heads to the restroom with Bridget.

Alex goes too, refusing my offer to walk with him. I don’t know if I can ever stop looking at him like a little kid I need to watch over.

I take this time to write some more notes and go over everything I wrote about the game so far. Not that I’m actually going to do anything with it. It’s just good practice.

“Enjoying the game?” I know the voice behind me.

The pig, Dustin, has come down to gloat.

I roll my eyes to ignore him.

I should probably be nicer, but I’m still seething from the last stunt he pulled. I’m done with trying to kiss his ass just to get a shot at a good story.

It hasn’t worked yet.

“Just because you’re whoring around with the team, doesn’t mean you’ll get a shot at taking over my spot on the paper.” He gives me a once over.

How does everyone know this is Nick’s shirt?

I could have easily bought one just like it.

But Dustin has reached a whole new low. He’s never talked to me like that.

I whip around to fully face him. “I’ll get your spot with my talent and my knowledge of the game.” I seethe. “I don’t need to fuck any of the players to know what a shitty writer you are.”

“Is there a problem, asshole?” Alex comes back, stopping Dustin from saying anything else.

Fuck, what did he hear?

I didn’t even see him.

Dustin closes his mouth and stands. Alex towers over him. He decides on something and walks away without another word.