Benefits with a side of friendship, don’t normally meet the family.

But we are just friends now. Right?

“There’s Miller now.” Alex points to him as he skates to a spot right in front of us to stretch.

He’s doing it on purpose.

Stretching his legs and sticking his ass out right in front of me. I notice the glance back to make sure I’m watching.

How can I not? He’s blocking the view of every other player on the ice.

“Is that usually your spot, asking questions for your articles?” Alex points to where Dustin and Jeremy are interviewing the coach pulling me away from drooling over Nick’s ass while he does some sort of frog stretch.

How does his ass look so defined under all that gear?

Do they wear pads or is it always that plump?

“Oh Um, it would be.”If they’d actually let me.

I tried to get us press passes for the game. The press is able to go by the locker rooms and greet the team before and after the game. The passes were long gone before I thought of it.

That’s when I found out Professor Wright had asked Dustin to have me tag along to the games instead of Jeremy after the article I wrote.

Dustin graciously told him I rejected the offer.

That pig!

Dustin never once asked me.

I have to do something about it. I’m getting snuffed left and right.

I just don’t know why yet.

Nick takes his helmet off and his eyes travel from his shirt I threw on and up to meet my eyes. He has that deep sultry look in them that says“come to me.”

When Nick Miller says come to me, you go to him.

Not that he actually said it, but I’m going anyway.

I tell Alex I’ll be back and head down towards the bench where I can talk to Nick with shorter glass in the way.

“Thanks again for the tickets,” I say when he skates over to me.

He nods and lets out a sigh. “Damn Lenny. You look good in my shirt.”

I look down at the baggy shirt tucked into the front of my skinny jeans.

“Looks better when you’re naked underneath, but still gorgeous.”

I feel the heat in my cheeks. Before I can point out we’re just friends, Holt Bramby skates over to us.

“Hey, Lenny. Sorry to interrupt, but watch this kid.” He turns Nick’s attention to the Boston side.

Number 25, Pelvsky. I read about him being a huge prospect leading the team in goals in his freshman year. I also read Drexton Hall wanted him, but Boston scooped him up with a full ride and other perks. Another story said the real reason he went to Boston was so he could be closer to his brother who plays in the NHL for Boston.

I watch as he heads to the net with a fancy triple fake and scores on the glove side.

“I bet anything, he’ll go stick on you if he gets a breakaway like that,” Holt says, turning back to Nick.