“From here on out, I promise to be better. From here on out, I’m going to make some changes starting with myself to be more involved with our team.” I promise. “No more grump or old man.”

“Finally!” Holt yells out causing everyone to laugh.

He comes up and puts a hand to my shoulder.

“Good to have you back, man.” Holt was never happy that I got a C and he got an A to be the alternating captain, but we never lost our mutual respect for each other.

“What about the enemy?” Carter, sophomore and third line Center calls from the back. “Is she still a distraction for you, or can some of us hit that?”

He’s just saying it to get under my skin. His ass is all hell bent since I kicked him out of the hockey house last year.

The house isn’t big enough for the whole team, it’s a privilege to live there, and he screwed up by causing a scene with his hot temper when we lost a game. He broke our table, and that’s a rule in the house. If you disrespect the house then you have no business living with us.

The hockey dorms are close by, they aren’t bad, you just can’t party as much there. He was let off easy.

Holt steps up to address him.

“Hey! Lenny is one of us, and she’s our Cap’s girl. No one will say anything bad about her or fuck with her. Got that?” He warns each one of them with a glare.

They all nod and go back to getting ready. Holt winks and heads to his cubby to finish wrapping his stick.

I don’t correct him that she’s not really my girl.

It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I know if any one of these guys even looks at her sideways I’d be on them to back off.

Heading out to the ice for warm ups is the first time in a long while that I feel good before a game. It’s like the weight I’ve been carrying around on my shoulders has been lifted.

I’ve been carrying around the weight of our loss last season, then my own disconnect, and then the shit with Cora.

Everything just piled up. Now, I feel lighter.

I’ve been so determined to have no distractions, that I became my own distraction.

All I can think about is seeing Lenny again and seeing her cheer us on.

I have it bad for her and the guys are right, whether she likes it or not, she’s mine.

Chapter 25


The guys went above and beyond with our seats.

We’re sitting just a few rows up and next to the bench.

Layla and Bridget went to get food and drinks while Alex and I headed down to watch warm ups.

Upbeat music plays through the speakers as both teams take the ice.

I glance at Boston to check out their new coaching team and some of the work they’ve done since last season.

They’ve been looking good this year so far and are pegged to make the men’s DI championship.

“These seats are amazing! Is this where all the students sit.” Alex nudges me, grabbing my attention.

“No, student seats are up top. It’s fun to watch the games up there, but it’s loud and gets rowdy. I think the players get these seats for families.”

I’ve been trying all day not to get Alex’s hopes up in meeting Nick. I don’t think Nick would be fond of meeting my family. That’s like a whole other level relationship.