“Not at first. You need a car or something to get you home faster. Don’t they offer self-defense classes here?” I turn to see he’s no longer kidding. He actually looks concerned for my well-being. “I can pick you up on my off days.”

“Whoa there, dad. The gym is practically on campus, and I’ve been walking to and from there for almost two semesters now,” I point out, stopping his concerns. “Plus, there’s also campus security.”

Nick pokes me in the side making me jump.

“I’m no one’s dad.” He smirks, making me shiver. “I just don’t like the thought of some drunk or horny college guy trying to snatch you up.”

“Nope. Just you,” I tease.

“Are you cold?” He asks, noticing my shiver.

No, not cold.

I’m wearing a thick fleece over my leggings and a long sleeved Drexton Hall Gym shirt. I’m not cold.

I’m shivering, because the guy next to me is giving me all the feels, with his protective alpha attitude and his panty dropping smirks. Not to mention his playful little pokes and jabs.

“No. Just felt a breeze. What are we doing here?” I quickly change the subject.

He asked me to meet him here and now I’m thinking how bad that idea was.

The quad is completely empty. We don’t have anyone here to distract the sexual tension between us that’s still up in the air.

“Stargazing! For real this time. Not passing out on front lawns.” He teases again with that sideways smirk.

He’s slowly killing me.

Nick lays back with his hands behind his head. He’s only in a tee shirt and running shorts. How is he not freezing?

I lay down next to him and look up. It’s the only way I can keep my gaze off his bulging muscles behind his head or the peek of skin that’s now showing between the hem of his shirt and the waistband of his shorts.

“Is this your attempt to woo me?” I joke, breaking the awkwardness.

“I was on a run and noticed how clear the sky is tonight. Made me think of your sad attempt at stargazing.” He laughs, but I’m squirming thinking about what happened after that.

My legs mindlessly clench together thinking about riding on top of him with nothing between us. Nothing.

Just friends.

I blame college hormones, if there’s such a thing.

Nick clears his throat and shifts his legs.

Was he thinking about the same thing?

“There,” he points straight up. “That’s the North Star. And that’s about all I know.”

I laugh and pull out my phone for the stargazing app I once downloaded. Turns out he’s wrong. It’s Jupiter.

We lay there for an hour and use my app to find the constellations.

It’s easy. Him lying shoulder to shoulder with me just feels easy and natural.

Once we have something to talk about, all the tension melts away.

I’m still very aware of his hands brushing mine when he reaches for my phone to see it better, and the way his leg rubs against me when he shifts towards me to get a better look.

My nerve endings are on high alert, but it’s easy and fun. My whole body just relaxes next to him, and I completely forget why I’ve been so anxious all day.