My nerves are on high alert as I try to focus on my classes.
My brother will be coming in tomorrow morning, and I keep going over our plans for this weekend. He stopped responding to me after the fifth time.
His flight is coming in early so I’m skipping my classes, but the professors all e-mailed my assignments to me.
Missing one class isn’t going to hurt me, but I still feel out of sorts having any absences. I’ve never even been sick enough to miss a class yet.
This day calls for a second espresso.
After my second class of the day,Journalism and Society, I head out to the quad to get a latte. It’s not the best latte, but it’s on the way to my next class. It’s good enough. Anything with espresso in it will do.
“Drinking too much of that will give you a heart attack.” I jump from the sound of Nick’s voice too close to my ear.
Why does he always have to get so close?
It’s colder today with the fall quickly turning into winter and his hot breath sends a warmth down my neck. My skin heats up with little sparks going off.
“You scared me!” I playfully slap his arm.
“Sorry, you shouldn’t have too many lattes. Why not drink water?” He scrunches his face looking at the line ahead of us.
“Uh, this is my first one today.” I’m lying.
What is he? The espresso police?
How does he know what’s good for me?
“Liar, I saw you earlier with a huge cup from here.” He teases.
I whip around to face him.
“Are you stalking me?” I gasp.
He laughs, throwing his head back. I push down the flutter that starts to rise from my gut.
Did I mention how sexy his laugh is? It’s like a deep rumble straight from his gut.
“Please, I’m stalking you way less than you stalked me. How did you know my full name?” He smirks and I can feel the heat warming my face. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Your pink cheeks don’t lie.”
“I didn’t stalk you. I read an article, for research!” I point out. “It wasn’t stalking. I’m not following you around campus.”
This line is taking too long. My nerves are in hyperdrive, and I don’t know if it’s the fact that staying in this line will make me late to class or because Nick is standing right up against me.
Just friends. We’re just friends.
“Here.” Nick pulls out a water bottle from his backpack. “I carry extra. This way you won’t be late to class, and I promise you’ll feel better than you would after that latte.”
I consider not taking it, but he’s right, I’m going to be late.
“Thank you.” I take the bottle from him, but he doesn’t let go right away.
“Anytime, but tell me, what does Lenny stand for?” He eyes me, squinting, and waiting for me to answer.
I pull the bottle from him, giving it a good tug. At first, he leans into it coming closer to me, but then relents, making me pop back on my heels.
“Wouldn’t you like to know. I think you need to do your own research.” I tease him and walk away.
He smiles and waves as we separate to go to class.