Who was I trying to kid? I was definitely getting turned on by this new side of my mate.

Reaching down, he pulled Ezric up by the arm, none too gently, and turned him away.

Ezric spun around. “You can’t do this! Think, Deus. My family, you know what they’ll do to me. And for what? Your tentacle-toy is going to be expelled anyway—”

Deus’ fist moved in a glimmering blur. The resounding crack as it connected with Ezric’s face echoed across the lake.

Ezric reeled away, clutching his bloody nose. “What the—?”

Deus stood straight, blue lightning crackling around him. “That was a warning. Don’t ever talk about my mate with disrespect again. Next time, I won’t be so gentle.”

There were soft gasps from the students and faculty who’d rushed to the lake, but I didn’t know if it was due to the shock of hearing the sweetest guy on campus threaten someone, or if it was because Deus had called me his mate.

Deus handed Ezric off to two of the professors who’d noticed the commotion and come to investigate. As they escorted Ezric to Headmistress Losia’s office, Deus moved to the edge of the lake.

“Seta? You’re safe. I’d come to you, but right now I’m afraid I’ll lose control and fry everything in the lake.”

I rolled my eyes.

One of the students on the shore cleared their throat. “Ezric used an immobility spell on her.”

“Zeus! Someone take it off!” he snarled.

There was more muttering, and then a flash of light came from within the student huddle. A moment later, the tips of my tentacles began to tingle as feeling and control returned to my limbs.

Moving closer to shore, I carefully lowered Professor Mackenzie to the ground, keeping the tentacle around him until he stood on his own. “That’s quite sufficient. I appreciate the help,” he rumbled.

Sighing in relief, I let them sag back beneath the water.

With the immediate threat gone, I slowly studied the faces lining the shore.

Everyone was staring at me, and most had their phones out. Summoning as much dignity as I could muster, I brought myself to the edge of the lake.

It took some effort, but I managed to transform two tentacles back into my legs so I could walk on land. Then I shifted two tentacles back to arms, but let the other four fan out around me.

Then, without hesitating, I walked up to Deus and kissed him. My tentacles wrapped around his chest and waist as I clung to my mate.

There.Let them take a picture of that.

“That’s my bestie!” Ayla’s voice rose above the din of students talking.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her, and focusing on Deus’ lips against mine.

He was warm.

So warm that the water evaporated from my skin in little waves of steam.

So warm that I had to break away. “Ow.”

“Sorry.” Deus took another deep breath, bringing his glow to an almost normal level. He cupped my cheek. “Are you all right?”

I thought about it. “I guess that depends on what happens to Ezric. What if they let him off the hook?” I hesitated, then added, “And I guess it depends on whether he was right.”

Would the rest of the students make an uproar about my presence at Slaymore? Would they campaign for me to be expelled? Would I have to go back home and give up on my dreams, or would I spend the rest of my education looking over my shoulder for enemies? I didn’t even know which option was worse.

“Ezric’s going to be expelled.”

I jumped.