He was right. I was his, and he was mine.

I knew to the depths of my soul that there would never be anyone else for me. Deus was my other half. He’d been gifted to me by the Fates. My future still had a lot of unknowns, but Deus wasn’t one of them.

He was part of my future… and the rest of my life.

I loved him.

“Yes. I’m yours.”

My imprints blazed to life, and pleasure erupted inside me, searing my mind and body with sensations so powerful I couldn’t breathe or move. I was completely silent as I came apart in Deus’ arms.

Behind me, Deus thrust one final time against my tentacle. His cock began to jerk in my hold, as he spilled the evidence of his own desire.

As the roar in my ears quieted, and my vision began to clear, my focus landed on my arms.

“Those are beautiful. You told me that krakens gain imprints as something happens in their life, right?” Deus asked, hooking his chin over my shoulder and pulling me close.

“Yes.” I was trying not to hyperventilate.

Krakens gained their imprints when something life-changing happened in their lives. Saving a life, stopping a tsunami, sinking a warship…

The imprints never ceased appearing, and an old kraken could be completely covered in the swirling lines and ancient script. It allowed us, and other krakens, to see the proud history of our lives as guardians of the sea.

Deus traced one of the lines that still retained some of the red glow. “This one is new. What does it represent?”

“It shows that I took a mate.”

I wasn’t sure Deus had heard me until he turned me in his arms so that I straddled his lap.

He caught my face between his palms. “Are you saying we’re mated?”

“Krakens mate for life. I can’t undo it, Amadeus.” Tears streamed down my cheeks and my heart attempted to pound through my ribcage.

“Good.” Deus placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Now you’re stuck with me.”

I leaned back. “You’re not upset?”

Deus laughed. “Seta, you’re the one who wanted to be casual. I agreed because I was willing to be anything you wanted me to be… as long as I could be with you. Hades, I would’ve been thrilled if you’d taken me as your mate that very first day.”

Fresh tears slid down my cheeks. “I love you, my mate.”

Lightning crackled overhead, and the boom of thunder sent several students shrieking toward the main buildings. Rain kissed my skin as Deus leaned forward to press another kiss against my lips.

“I love you, Seta. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have you as my mate.”

Our lips met in a kiss filled with passion, love, and excitement for our future.

The marine mythology final was set for nine that evening. In my human form, I was still susceptible to cold air, so I put on my puffy winter coat and headed out to the lake at 8:45. The night was clear and bright, with a full moon smiling down on us.

My breath frosted in the air as I joined the line of students at the edge of the lake. We stood near the rocks on the deep end, studying the lights twinkling beneath the surface of the lake.

Deus moved to stand next to me. He was dressed in a simple hoodie, and radiated confidence and heat.

“Koidos,” barked Mackenzie from the edge of the lake. He looked a little peeved. “You’re going to have to tone it down.”

Deus looked at his hands. “How am I supposed to keep warm?”

“You’ve got a coat, I presume? Otherwise, you can freeze. You’re calling out the sea-wights.”