It minimized magical incidents, and if a random human somehow got past the wards and onto Slaymore’s grounds, it also lowered the chances of them finding out everything.

Online rumors said Headmistress Losia hadn’t been seen in her dragon form for decades.

I, of course, would be human pretty much permanently while here.

And it’s what you wanted,I reminded myself as a wave of homesickness crested inside me.

Slaymore’s professor of Marine Mythology was the foremost expert on the topic, and learning from him would be a rare opportunity.

Using this time to prove to other paranormals that Krakens could keep up with the times and do everything land dwellers could do would be a real boon to our people. I’d be making a difference, forging a path toward our acceptance on land.

Just like Headmistress Losia had done for her people.

Pulling my headphones from the desk drawer, I plugged them into the phone I’d bought when I’d first arrived on land. Tapping through my playlist, I found an album of whale songs. I turned it up, lay back on the bed, and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow, the studying began, and my ‘college’ experience would continue. But for the rest of today, I just wanted to miss my watery home in peace.

Brilliant sunlight pierced the thin dorm room curtain before six the next morning, startling me awake. As someone used to the gentle awakening of light diffusing through water, I spent my entire shower cursing land and listing all the reasons Slaymore should’ve been an underwater academy.

Ayla was still asleep when I finished dressing, so I took the opportunity to find a dining hall and get myself some breakfast.

Slaymore’s dining halls were divided by cuisine, and it didn’t take me long to find the one that catered to mermaids, kelpies, and other water-dwelling paranormals. I loaded a briny-smelling plate with seaweed, fish eggs, and cold smoked salmon.

Once seated, I pulled up the class schedule in my emails and perused it as I ate. I had a five-class course load, each with three lecture classes and three study hours per week.

In addition to my Marine Mythology class, I’d be studying Beginner’s Incantations, Summoning Magic, and Alchemy. I was also required to take an academic writing course as a core class.

The truth was, I was looking forward to everything except academic writing and alchemy. I’d never been good with alchemical substances and had struggled with those during my high school years. Somehow, no matter how carefully I followed the directions, my projects always blew up in my face.

“Look who it is!” A familiar wave of comfort washed through me as Amadeus slid into the chair across from mine.

He was grinning far too widely for someone in a dining hall before seven. “So, have you found everything okay?”

Turning my phone, I showed him my schedule.

“Nice! Alchemy, I’ve got that too. I also have academic writing—but I’m in a different period. We could do our homework together, though.”

My heart wanted to say yes, but my brain knew I needed to stay focused on my goals and not become distracted.

“No, thanks.” I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

“Wow.” Another student set a plate on the table and slid into the chair beside me.

The new guy pushed his dark brown hair out of his eyes. He had a sharp nose and chin and eyes that seemed to dart around the room constantly, as though he were on the lookout. I leaned away from him instinctively.

“That was a serious put-down. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone shut Deus down like that.” He laughed.

It wasn’t an easygoing laugh like Amadeus had. Nope. He was definitely laughing at the expense of his friend.

“I just want to get my work done quickly so I can get to bed early each night. Socializing isn’t big on my to-do list,” I said, hoping it was enough of an excuse. Eyes narrowed, I studied the two men. “What are you even doing in here? You’re not sea creatures, either of you.”

Had Amadeus been following me? Looking for me?

“Ezric has a mermaid ladyfriend he wants to impress,” said Amadeus, not bothering to hide his smirk.

Ezric’s smile soured. “I guess when she said she was an early riser, she didn’t meanthisearly.”

My stomach clenched as I watched Ezric pick up a calamari ring from his plate and pop it in his mouth. I loved fresh seafood but couldn’t bring myself to eat calamari… it was just too close to cannibalism.