“What’s wrong, little mermaid?” he cooed softly.

My heart raced as his hand curled into a fist. What other weapons, spells or enchantments was he hiding? A spear gun? A magical trident or harpoon?

His hand moved again, and I didn’t wait to find out.

I grabbed the edge of the table, lifted it, and shoved, putting the full force of my kraken body behind it. The table flew into Ezric, knocking him against the wall. His headthunkedon the plaster and he slid to the floor.

For a moment, he was terribly still. Then he blinked dazedly.

The whole café was quiet. I was suddenly aware of dozens of eyes darting between me, the table, and Ezric.

How long had they been watching us? What did they know? Dideveryonerealize I wasn’t a mermaid?

My breath came in shallow gasps. I had to get out of there. But just as I turned to flee, the one person I wanted to see least walked in.

Deus’ smile froze on his face as he saw me. Then he looked at the mess, and at Ezric, shoving the table off his legs and his smile faded. “What’s going on?”

“Your girlfriend’s a crazy monster. That’s what’s going on,” spat Ezric, pushing himself up off the floor.

There was so much I wanted to say, but no words would come.

Deus didn’t look at me as he went over and righted the table. He didn’t offer to help Ezric stand, but he also didn’t ask why I was soaking wet.

Tears blurred my vision as my heart shattered. Not wanting to make more of a spectacle of myself, I shoved past them, making my way through the door and out into the chill afternoon.

I needed to harden my heart. Deus wasn’tmy boyfriend… and he couldn’t ever be anything more than a casual fling if he wouldn’t defend me from someone who called me a crazy monster. Even if that someone was his best friend.

Heck, as much as he’d seemed to like it in the lake, maybe Deus thought I was a monster.

It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. I should have spent the day studying by myself. I shouldn’t have tried to build friendships or do things just to make Deus happy. I’d given in to the nonsense and had ended up scared and heartbroken. Lesson learned.

“Seta, wait! Surely you can stop to talk for five minutes.” Deus jogged up beside me.

Reaching out, he grabbed my arm to bring me to a gentle stop. In that moment, I both despised and loathed the familiar, comforting warmth that spread through me at his touch.

Turning toward him, I held my bag in front of me like a shield to protect my breaking heart.

“No.”The single word left my lips with such force, Deus froze as though in a spell. “Iliterallytried to make nice with Ezric and help with his project even after he tricked me into going with him to Spellcaster’s… and all because I wanted to make you happy!”

I took a deep breath and straightened my spine. “Just like always, he proved to be an arrogant arse who takes delight in being cruel. There’s no way I’m wasting another precious second of my life in his presence. He doesn’t respect me, so I don’t have to respect him. And if you can’t respect my decision, then this thing between us isn’t going to work.”

“Seta.” Deus reached for me and I stumbled back.

People were starting to look at us, and heat seared across my face.

Deus dropped his hands and lowered his voice. “You can’t ask me to choose between you and my best friend.”

“You’re right.” I choked back a sob, not wanting to let him see me cry.

I couldn’t ask that of him. But I could remove myself from the situation.

Fighting to keep my voice steady as tears welled behind my eyes, I whispered, “Well, you don’t need a monster for a girlfriend, anyway.”

Without waiting for a response, I turned and fled before my strong façade broke down.

I ran across the lawn, keeping my head tucked. No one needed to see my shame. If I could just get back to my room without crying, I’d be fine. I could waste the rest of my lunch, then get back on track for the next session—

Footsteps pounded on the grass behind me. “Stop!”