Was I supposed to make polite conversation with him as we waited? Just the thought of it broke me out in a cold sweat.

Ezric poured himself something from a flask he took from his shirt pocket. “Jenny canceled because she’s got a date. Tatiana and Moirus have work-study together, Silvia’s in her economics elective, and Numina’s got some winter solstice party committee meeting. Oh, and Deus is in class until four o’clock.”

Which left him and me for fifteen minutes, plus however long it took Deus to get across campus. Had Ezric even invited him? My stomach dropped to my toes, and a chill trickled down my spine.

“You tricked me.” I eyed my drink. How fast could I down it and leave?

“On the other hand, I couldreallyuse the help studying.” He put his hands together. “Help me out and I’ll put in a good word for you with Deus.”

The memory of my night in the lake with Deus popped into my mind. How much more of a good word did I actually need? Then Deus’ adorable seal-pup face popped up in my mind again.

I was ahead on homework, so I could help Ezric without falling behind.

Sighing, I sagged into the seat across from him. “What do you need help with?”

Ezric’s hands tightened into fists. “Marine mythology. I swear Mackenzie has it out for me. I flunked the first project, and he told me I could redo it for extra credit. So I figured, who else to go to but the marine genius herself?”

I traced an old stain on the wooden table. “Don’t you have a partner to help you out?”

“She’s taking the F.”

This just got better and better. On the other hand, it meant I only had to talk to one person instead of two. “All right. What’s your project on?”

He looked me dead in the eye. “Krakens.”

The air disappeared from my lungs and my pulse leaped.

Stay calm, Seta,I warned myself.

Ezric was a slayer, from a family of monster hunters. It made sense that he’d want to know about the biggest monsters of the sea.

Maybe this was an opportunity to teach him we weren’t the murderous beasts he thought we were. I took a deep breath and brushed my fingers over my cuff. Ezric’s eyes snapped to it and I froze.

“Okay, let’s get started. How about we build your bibliography first?” I busied myself with taking out a notebook and a pen and writingBibliographyat the top of the page.

“Gregor’sDeep Monsters,” Ezric replied.

My pen froze as I finished the letterB.

He knows,I thought, trying to keep panic from flushing my whole body.

Slayers had improved senses, right? Could he smell my fear? Could he hear my heartbeat? I bought myself time by taking a sip of my Sassy Senior.

Ezric hadn’t had any of his drink, whatever it was.

I cleared my throat. “Gregor’s over two hundred years old, and his work’s been disproven. MackenziehatesGregor.”

Everyone with any common sense did. Gregor had sailed the Deep with the aim of putting any paranormal head he could find on his castle wall.

“Mackenzie also said that he doesn’t take off marks for opposing viewpoints.” Ezric pinned me with his eyes and I fought the urge to squirm.

“He takes points off for bad sources.” My mind raced, and I wanted to touch my cuff, to reassure myself that my tentacles were safe and hidden.

Ezric continued to study me, a single brow raised in challenge.

“I don’t actually think Gregor’s a… bad idea.” I had to concentrate to keep my lip from curling. “But you will need to contrast him with more modern sources.”

I finished writingBibliography,took a deep breath, and forced my hand to writeGregorin the first slot. It felt like I’d become a traitor to my own kind.