My body stiffened, clenching around his cock as I hit the crest of my orgasm. I cried out and my energy release caused a wave to lift us up. I clung to him with everything I had as we surged toward the edge of the lake.

Deus grabbed my waist and buried his head in my neck, his burning length thrusting into my slick core with wild abandon. “Shore. Get me to shore.”


No wonder he felt so hot…

I disentangled my tentacles from his legs and pushed off some nearby rocks, taking us up to where the water was too shallow to swim. He slipped out of me and I carefully deposited him on the grass.

“Seta,” Deus growled my name while grabbing his cock in one hand and pumping it violently.

Hair rose on my skin, and I scrambled away, willing my tentacles back into their enchantment. His eyes locked with mine, and his muscles grew taut. A moment later, Deus roared his own release and a column of light arced from the sky.

Deus flopped back onto the scorched grass and raindrops as large as my thumbnail began to fall. He lifted his golden head to look at me and began to laugh. The sound of rumbling thunder shook the earth.

I stumbled out of the shallows on human legs and flopped down beside him. I was naked. In the middle of the lawn. And I didn’t care.

Rain still pelted down around us, and I wondered if all storms at Slaymore were due to student orgasms. The ridiculous thought made me giggle.

I lay my head on Deus’ bare shoulder. “Thank you.”

Deus twisted his head so that he could look down at me, his expression incredulous. “I should be thanking you. Why are you thanking me?”

I said the first thing that came to mind. “Because you’re sweet, kind, and let me have my first time the way I wanted it. You’ve been cool about the whole keeping it casual thing too.”

Deus dropped his head back on the ground and cleared his throat. “Yeah.”

“And you weren’t weird about the tentacles,” I whispered.

“Turns out I’m into them.” He squeezed me briefly. “I’m intoyou.But I’m also naked in the middle of Slaymore’s lawn, and I don’t want to be the subject of an infamous internet video.”

Oops. I shot up. “I’ll get our clothes.”

I went back into the water as a human. As much as I wanted to release the tentacles and feel the salt on my suckers again, I knew we’d been incredibly lucky not to have been caught.

Kicking hard, I made it down to the bottom of the lake, where I easily found Deus’ shoes, belt and pants. I had to tussle briefly with a miniature kelpie over his shirt, but I won. It took a bit longer to find my shirt and skirt, since they were already half buried under silt.

I popped back to the surface and, using the rope, guided the rowboat to shore. By the time I’d finished, Deus had solved the problem of his nakedness with—

“What is that, a toga made of clouds?”

He spread his hands, showing off his work. “What do you think? Do you think it’s coming back in style?”

He chuckled at my dubious expression and took the bundle of soaked clothes I held out. “One of the talents inherited from my father. Do you want one, or would you rather wear your soaking clothes?”

I opted for the wet clothes, holding my shirt closed with my hand rather than taking the time to do up all the little buttons. Together, we squelched our way across the lawn and up to the door of my dormitory.

“Seta?” Deus leaned against the wall and cupped my cheek. He ran his thumb over my lip and I couldn’t help giving it a little bite. His mouth parted slightly, and his eyes got a hungry, hooded look that got that heat curling in my belly again.

I almost opened my mouth to invite him in. Ayla had said she’d be out, after all, but he went on in a rush. “Thank you for trusting me with your secret. And your body. Even if it’s just a”—Deus hesitated—“fling, I’m grateful.”

A pang of worry shot adrenaline through my body. “Deus, the headmistress knows what I am too, but no one else can know. You can’t tell anyone.”

“I know. Your secret is safe with me.” He leaned in and gave me a meltingly sweet kiss.

A pang lanced through me, and for a moment, I wanted to cling to him and beg him never to let me go.

Keep it casual, Seta. It’s for the best.