Yep. This was the best decision for both of us.

* * *

I heldmy breath as Professor Farrious handed back our exams. I was confident I’d nailed all the theory questions, but the transformation circle had accounted for half our mark… and I wasn’t nearly as sure of myself on that part.

My breath whooshed out of my lungs when he finally got to me.

“Nicely done,” he said, handing over my paper.


The mean little voice in the back of my head whispered,so close.I kept my expression neutral, despite the sting of disappointment. Receiving a B+ was good, especially in light of the not-really-a-study-session I’d attended as a last resort.

Yes, it might have been lower if not for Bianca’s help and I resolved to thank her… and maybe ask her if she would be willing to have our own study group.

Deus will be hurt by that,the voice in the back of my mind told me.

I ignored it. We were casual. There was no reason I should make decisions based on his feelings.

Deus found me after class. Despite the fact that we were halfway through October, he wore jeans and a blue T-shirt that showed off his sun-kissed skin. He looked like he’d come straight from the beach.

Catching sight of my paper that was still face up on my desk, he gently squeezed my shoulder. “Great work. I got a B.”

I twisted around to look up at him. “How? You were coaching me.”

He shrugged. “I missed a couple of theory questions. So how are you feeling? Good? Great?”

“Fine.” My mind was already skipping ahead to the next alchemy exam.

We had a quiz in three weeks, then nothing until finals. If I wanted an A in this class, I was going to have to get stunning marks on both exams and on all my homework.

Maybe Farrious would let me take some extra credit, just to give me a little wiggle room.

“Thought you might like to come.” Deus looked at me expectantly.

Had he been talking this whole time? “Um…”

Deus cracked a smile. “You’re cute when you’re confused. Where did I lose you?”

“Right after asking how I was feeling,” I confessed.

The hand on my shoulder slipped down my arm, leaving a tingle in its wake that traveled all the way to parts of my anatomy that had no business tingling in class. His tongue darted out over his bottom lip, and my own lips parted as I imagined his mouth on mine.

“You know what? Never mind.” Deus’ smile shifted and became secretive. “It’ll be a surprise. Meet me at the lake tonight. Eleven.”

His mouth was so hypnotizing. And the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed…

Study plans.

Academic writing paper.

Marine mythology homework.

So many reasons to say no…

“Sure,” I murmured.

“It’s a date.” He kissed the back of my hand, then dropped it and made his way out of class.