I unconsciously ran my tongue around my own teeth. Kraken teeth were coveted ingredients for certain spells.

Thankfully, with the advent of paranormal cooperation and the increased protection of various species, a lot of spells now had alternatives and substitutes. But some spells—usually dark ones—needed the real thing. They required actual bone, blood, and body parts.

“Uncle Jonas was one of the greats.” This time, Ezric definitely sounded wistful.

Next to me, Jenny’s leg was bouncing up and down. “Your Uncle Jonas was a creep who’s not even allowed on Slaymore campus anymore.” She flashed a dangerous smile.

Eyes widening, I stifled a gasp; her teeth had gone from a bright, even white to razor-sharp and green.Jenny Greenteeth.

She was part of the spirit family that lived in rivers and ponds in Great Britain. Jenny obviously had no love for monster hunters. “And if I ever see him again, I’ll give him a proper thank you for taking my auntie’s leg.”

Ezric chuckled and spread his hands. “Look, Jen, all’s fair in—”

“We’re a protected species,” she spat.

“Jenny’s right,” Numina spoke calmly. “Your uncle sucks. Most of your family does.”

All humor drained from Ezric’s face as it darkened. “So you all get to be proud of what you are, while I should be ashamed?”

“Nobody’s saying that.” Deus put a hand on Ezric’s arm.

His glow radiated around the table soothingly, but Ezric jerked his arm away.

“Look, slayers are needed for plenty of things. Goddess knows my own kind are a little too fond of breaking the rules.” Numina tried to play peacemaker. “You just can’t go around killing indiscriminately anymore. Not any species, and definitely not a protected species.”

“Well, krakens aren’t protected,” Ezric replied shortly. “And I’m going to bag one.”

I didn’t realize I was standing until Deus turned to me. “Where are you going?”

Out. Away. Anywhere but here.

Forcing a brittle smile onto my face, I rubbed my thumb against my cuff. “I’m going to go study. Alone. Or with Bianca, since she’s the only one who seems to know what studying means. Move.”

I said the last to Ezric, and with enough venom behind my voice that he was halfway out of the booth before he stopped to think.

“Why are you so cut up about krakens, Red?” Ezric’s eyes ran down my body again, but not in his usual pervy way.

He was examining me. Could he be searching for holes in the spell that kept me human? His eyes flicked to my cuff, and I suppressed the urge to hide it behind my back.

“I’m just not interested in failing my exam.” I pushed past him and stomped off.

Trying to keep from running, I slowed my step and shoved through a group of students waiting to be seated and burst through the door into the cool fall afternoon.

I didn’t stop until I was halfway across the lawn.

“UGH!” I’d been so agitated, I’d forgotten to pick up my bag.

It was going to be hard to study without having all my notes. Then again, I’d drawn my transformation circle so many times I could do it from memory… and there was no way I was going back into the diner.

Someone called my name, and I turned to see Deus jogging across the lawn. He held my bag, and his mouth was twisted in a frown. Stopping in front of me, he handed it over without a word.

I took it with a whispered thanks.

Deus took a deep breath, then stopped. “I’m sure you have your reasons, but you did seem kind of rude back there.”

It was the straw that broke the kraken’s tentacle.

“Rude? Rude was your best friend eulogizing his monster-killing uncle in front of Jenny,” I snapped, barely resisting the urge to add ‘and me.’