My insides were twisting tighter and tighter as my hunger for release grew stronger. Amadeus’s radiant glow was back and brighter than ever. It enveloped me in its warmth, even as static crackled across our skin.

“Deus?” I panted.

“Yes?” he murmured between kisses on my neck.

“If we don’t stop now, I’m going to…” My cheeks burned. “I’m going to climax.”

“Come for me.” Deus’s teeth nipped the skin of my collarbone. “Use me.”

Wrapping my arms tighter around his neck, our movements became harder and faster.


At least for this brief moment, he was mine. Breathing in his smoky scent, I tried to commit every sensation to memory.

When his fingers teased my nipples, I fell apart, clinging to him as orgasmic pleasure shredded every fiber of my being. I’d thought imaginary sex with Deus had been amazing, but although we were both still clothed, this was far better.

I was also even more sure that I’d never survive actual sex with this man.

Deus held me while tremors shook my body, his hips thrusting against me several more times before he stiffened.

“Seta,” Deus hissed between clenched teeth, his arms clamping around me and pinning me to his chest.

Through my thin pajama shorts, I could feel the scorching heat of Deus’s cock jerking with his release. Intense pride swelled in my chest. He wanted me just as much as I craved him.


I lay against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and finding it almost as relaxing as the soundtrack of the sea I played on repeat.

“I can’t believe that just happened.” Deus gave a tense laugh. “I swear I’m not a hormonal teen who comes apart at a single touch. You affect me in ways I don’t understand.”

Sitting up, I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “It was perfect. Every bit of it.”

Not ready to discuss what had happened between us and not wanting Ayla to find me straddling Deus, I adjusted my clothing and slid from his lap.

“I hate to ruin the moment, but we should probably see if we can fix this before tomorrow.” I picked up the damaged book and gave him a cheeky grin. “You can go clean up in the bathroom, and I’ll get started.”

Mackenzie called us up to present first the following afternoon. We’d practiced our presentation twice more the night before, and I’d even added a few follow-up questions from the perspective of the audience. Mackenzie had said he wouldn’t go easy on us, and we weren’t taking any chances.

Deus shot me a nervous glance as we headed to the front of the class, and I returned it with what I hoped was a professional-looking and encouraging smile. Other than a little stumble on Deus’s part in the first portion of the introduction, things went fairly smoothly.

I tried to remember all the things Deus had coached me on—eye contact with the class, no fiddling, and trying to look friendly instead of looking like I had a stick up my arse.

We finished and received the lackluster applause that was typical of every group project presentation.

“Does anyone have questions for Amadeus and Seta?” Professor Mackenzie asked.


“No questions? Fine, I’ve got one.” The professor leaned back against his desk. “What makes you assume that narwhal shifters’ horns have no special powers?”

I was ready to answer, but glanced at Deus since it had been his slide.

“We, uh…” Deus cleared his throat, lifting his hand to scratch the back of his neck. “We didn’t assume that, sir. We think it’s possible that narwhal horns don’t have the same properties as a narwhal shifter’s horn. It makes more sense, given that unicorn horns and unicorn shifter horns are also different. But there’s a lack of evidence either way.”

Mackenzie’s eyes sparkled in what I hoped was approval. “Thank you. Come see me after class for your grade. Next up, Tricia and Waden.”

The rest of the hour dragged by as we sat through several presentations. Deus tapped a rhythm on the desk, his fingers crackling with so much energy he left the occasional star-shaped scorch mark on the wood.