My heart ached at his words because I didn’t want to be feared, either. How far would I go to ensure Krakens were understood as the complicated, gentle creatures we were? Rather than the fearsome, mindless monsters bent on destroying lives?

“Deus, you can’t put your own needs last.” I kept my voice gentle, not wanting to seem harsh.

When he didn’t respond, I shifted onto my knees and scooted against his side. “You almost hurt yourself, and for what? So you could flirt a bit with a girl and keep your friend happy?”

Deus opened one cerulean blue eye and looked at me. “Who do you think I was flirting with?”

“The mermaid. Er, I mean, theothermermaid,” I hastily amended.

“Ha.” His laugh was dry, and he closed his eyelid again. “No, I wasn’t.”

“Well, she was flirting with you. And you were acting like you wanted to impress her.” I tried to keep an accusing tone from my voice.

Deus snorted. “Why would I want to impress her?”

Because she has perfect skin, and perfect thighs, and a perfect belly. Did he want me to spell it out? Why wouldn’t a guy want to impress her?

Secretly, I was finding his lack of interest, well… nice.

“Maybe because she is the most eligible girl on the campus, from what Ayla has told me?” The words were bitter on my tongue.

I told myself it was simply because I could barely handle Deus being Slaymore’s most popular single guy and that it had nothing to do with the fact I secretly wanted him to bemyguy.

Besides, it would be horrible to work on joint projects if he had a girlfriend attached to his hip. Especially if we had to stop working on them to kiss every five minutes…

Warm hands circled my waist, lifting me from the bed and settling me astride his hips.

“Seta, you are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.” My shirt had ridden up, and Deus’s thumbs brushed my bare skin. “Let me spell this out for you. I can’t see any of the other girls at Slaymore because I can’t pull my eyes away from you.”

“Deus…” Tears burned the back of my eyes.

I knew I should stop this before it went too far. No attachments was what I claimed to want, but that lie was beginning to crumble. Remaining still, I drank in his words and touch.

“I’m drawn to you in a way I didn’t think I’d ever experience. And at the risk of you thinking I’m crude”—Deus held my hips as he ground his hips against me, allowing me to feel his stiff erection—“I want you.”

Amadeus wanted me. My breath was coming in shallow pants.

Unable to resist, I slid my arms around his neck and rocked against him, causing us to gasp in unison.

“Seta,” Deus groaned, and his hands slid beneath my shirt, brushing my ribcage.

I should move away.


Shifting my hips on his lap, I moaned at the tiny ripple of pleasure the motion created.

“You’re so unbelievably beautiful. I want to touch you.” Deus’s blue eyes flashed.

Now was the time to stop this nonsense and focus on the important things, but I wasn’t going to stop.

“Then touch me.” Leaning forward, I placed a featherlight kiss on Deus’s mouth.

That was all it took for his hands to continue their exploration while our hips moved in a perfect rhythm. We were college students who were humping like horny high school kids, but it felt too incredible for me to care how ridiculous the situation might be.

When Deus’s fingers brushed the underside of my breast, I whimpered, arching into his touch. My body sent a wave of slick need between my thighs, and my stomach clenched with building need.

Deus caught my mouth in a searing kiss, his hands moving to cup my breasts. From there, things turned into a frenzy of groping hands, grinding hips, and dancing tongues.