A Kraken’s eight tentacles were similar to those of an octopus or cuttlefish, but the tips had a feathery fin on them, perfect for doing nearly anything fingers could do.

The curious koi circled around me, and I ran the tip of one tentacle along their backs. Then, I submerged completely.

Beneath the water, I could speak to them in my own language. That way, they were more likely to understand. For several minutes, I played with the koi, pushing the currents of the pond gently this way and that.

When they drifted away to find a snack, I stretched my tentacles. Using them to search out the depth of the pond, I found a rock at the bottom that would be good for scrubbing.

Taking my time, I used the stone as an abrasive against my skin. The scrubbing left me feeling tingly and wide awake. I looked up toward the water’s surface at the wavering image of the treetops and the deep night beyond.

All in all, my first week at Slaymore had been good. I’d caused no ambassadorial incidents, I’d gotten a good start to all my classes, and I’d taken stock of the academy’s glorious library. Most importantly, I’d kept my secret.

And despite my roommate’s best attempts, I’d even managed to keep to myself. Ayla was all right, but I’d been relieved once I’d learned that when I put in my headphones, she’d leave me alone.

She was reallynice.In fact, other than Ezric, I hadn’t met anyone mean at Slaymore yet.

Though, I might’ve preferred it if Amadeus was a jerk… or at least uninteresting. It would have made it easier to ignore the invisible thread that seemed to be pulling me toward him.

It just wasn’t fair that he emitted that golden aura, or had the bluest of blue eyes, or fingers I could still feel hours later…

Not to mention, his body wasn’t bad, either. Those full lips had probably kissed their fair share of girls. He certainly had plenty of opportunities.

My body warmed as I imagined how it might feel to kiss a mouth like that.

It wasn’t like I was completely inexperienced. I’d kissed a few harpies—something I definitely didn’t recommend.

Sadly, I’d never scored a flirt with a merman.

Kissing a Kraken was a no-go as well. I was related to everyone in the Bering clan, and Kraken clans didn’t mingle often. When they did, it was only for well-meaning parents to force a mate upon their offspring in a desperate effort to preserve our kind.

I wanted a toe-curling kiss, not to be bound for life to someone I didn’t know.

Regardless, sea creatures didn’t have a reputation for warm mouths.

But Deus…

Just thinking his name had my tentacles curling.

I bet Deus looked delectable with his shirt off. Closing my eyes, I imagined him standing outside the pond, undoing each mother-of-pearl button on his shirt and flexing his shoulders as he bared his skin to the night sky.

He’d take off his trousers next, revealing muscled thighs and calves as golden as his chest. And then he’d hook his thumbs in the band of his boxers and slid—

A rippling current bubbled up to the surface of the pond, sending a crest of water rushing over the stones. I winced, knowing I’d probably just soaked my backpack.

Embarrassment flooded my body, and I opened my eyes. Was I really fantasizing about some landlocked guy after spending only a few hours in his company?

I needed to be focused on my future, not daydreaming about Deus. Sure, my mother and the rest of the clan would be delighted for me to be mated to a land-dweller, but I’d refused to allow them to force me to become a mate. I wanted to learn, experience adventures, and help make the seas and land safer for Krakens.

I longed to be something more.

The water around me grew heated with my agitation, causing the koi to dart to the far edges of the pond.

Closing my eyes, I tightened an imaginary fist around my emotions. Making the water even half a degree warmer could destroy the delicate balance of life in the pond.

That wasn’t what a Kraken did.

We were keepers of the balance.

I had to control myself. Opening my gills, I breathed deeply, focusing on the ebb and flow of the surrounding water.