I looked up at the clouds so he couldn’t see me blush. “I, uh… didn’t take you for a rain spirit.”

“I’m not. I’m a lightning bolt. We’re related but not the same.” Gesturing for me to follow, he set off toward the dining hall.

“A living lightning bolt? I’ve never heard of a species like that.” There was so much about the species who lived on land and in the skies that I didn’t know.

Deus nodded. He didn’t seem offended—then again, he didn’t seem like anything would offend him.

“I’ve got six brothers, and we’re it. The only lightning bolts in the world.” He chuckled and added, “Unless my dad decides to make more.”

“Your dad?” I arched an eyebrow. “Don’t you need a mom for that, too?”

“Nope.” Deus flicked a finger, and a littlezapof electricity shot into the air, forming a miniature lightning bolt.

Two clouds formed and clapped together a moment later, releasing a thunder boom no louder than a cough. “You got born, we got made. By the Greek god himself.”

Deus was the son of a god.

“Zeus, right?” I hadn’t had many dealings with Zeus since Poseidon was the main Greek god Krakens dealt with.


“That’s… neat.” I didn’t want to admit how curious I was, and I bit my tongue to keep my countless questions from tumbling out.

Deus lifted one shoulder. “It’s all right. I have a few cool powers, and I have some not-so-cool powers. Although, I guess that’s true for everyone.”

We walked for several feet before he spoke again.

“I’m really glad to be paired with you.” He grinned at me again, and a ridiculous flutter began in my chest. “I’m 100 percent completely and totally terrified of the sea, so I couldn’t ask for a better partner than a mermaid. You’re a mermaid, right?”

I hesitated, finding it harder than I expected to lie to Deus.

“Right…” It was what Headmistress Losia and I had agreed I would claim. But the lie tasted like acrid ash on my tongue.

Because I wasn’t a mermaid, and I didn’t want tobea mermaid.

I was here to change perspectives, I reminded myself. Get people to see I wasn’t a threat… that I was a person, too. Then maybe the next time a Kraken came to Slaymore, they wouldn’t have to hide.

But how long would I have to keep my secret before I could reveal my species without risking life and tentacle?

Deus was studying me a little too closely, a strange expression on his face. I needed to change the subject.

“You’re terrified of the sea?” I asked. “Why are you taking Marine Mythology if you’re terrified of the sea?”

“I need to get three biome credits. And I like to face my fears.”

Facing his fears. It was the sensible thing to do. You ruled your fear, not the other way around.

Still… “How could you be afraid of the water? You’re lightning and could probably kill half the life in the lake.”

Deus ran a hand through his blonde hair. “Well, yeah. But I’d hurt myself and everything around me. If that’s not something to be afraid of, I don’t know what is.”

We’d crossed the full length of the lawn and stood in front of the dining hall. Someone ran by us, calling to Amadeus and holding up a frisbee.

“Be right there!” Deus shouted back. Then he turned to me. “So, narwhal shifters? I’ll check out the library after frisbee golf. Any good tips on where I should start?”

“Just leave it to me.” I clutched the strap of my backpack. “I’ll tell you what to say in the presentation. Don’t worry, you’ll look good.”

Deus’s smile turned quizzical, and he cocked his head. “Are you sure you know how group projects work?”