“This is your last chance, Arrow. If you can’t fix this, our entire family will turn on you. Don’t fuck it up.”

I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me. If Laney only knew the strength of the family behind her, she would never question who she was again.

But am I the reason she questions that at all?

My phone dings, distracting me from my thoughts.

Alexi: Since you fucked up your one job while you were here over break and took my girl from my bed because you could not control your anger, I have decided you get to do beach clean-up duty while the archers reset the course this week.

Arrow: I don’t work for you, kid.

Alexi: That is where you are wrong. I am a King here, so Dean of the university or not, you will do as I say.

I take a deep breath as I climb down the tree when an idea comes to mind. I need to find a way to apologize to my girl and prove that I’m willing to work on this. A plan slowly forms as I reply to Alexi.

Arrow: How quickly can they have the course completed?

Alexi: How quickly can you clean up the beaches?

Challenge accepted.

Chapter 13

Arrow: Can you meet me out on the north beach at 1700?

I read the text over and over again as my nerves bounce around like a pinball machine on crack.Does he want to end things? Is this it for us?I have to hold back the tears by pushing my long nails into the palm of my hand as I walk to meet him.

We have hardly spoken in two weeks and classes with him have been a rare form of torture. All I can see when I walk into that room is him screwing me on his desk. By the time class ends, I’m wet, uncomfortable, and in need of new panties—every freaking time. It’s infuriating.

I make it down to the beach to find arrows and bows set up along the sand with targets almost hidden in the distance. Small obstacles seem to be in front of a few of them while others are out in the open. I turn around to see Arrow jogging down to me.

“Sorry, I had to grab us some water.”

“What is this?” I ask curiously as I eye him.

His sweatpants are low on his waist and he isn’t wearing a shirt. Warm weather has come back to the island, and I can’t help but stare at the sweat glistening on his muscular chest.

“It’s an obstacle course, silly. What do you think it is?” His face scrunches up in confusion and mine must mirror his because he takes my hands and moves me to a bench.

“Listen, Kitten. I’ve been working hard on my anger management issues while also trying to become the man you need me to be.”

My heart squeezes, not able to fully see where this is going yet, but so full of hope I could jump up and down.

“I realize now that you’re not someone to put behind me, no matter how much I want to protect you. So, I set up a special date for us if you’re willing to let me try again. I can promise you I will never hurt you again. Just please. Please let me make it up to you and show you that I can be there for you. Just like Havoc can?”

I want to see what he has in store, but I also want to make something clear first.

“It’s not a competition with him, Arrow. You both bring me different things. I need both of you.”

His eyes meet mine with sincerity. “I don’t want it to be a competition, baby girl. I just want you to know I see you too.”

My fingers brush his cheek, and I lean in until our foreheads are touching. I’ve missed him.

“Thank you, Arrow. I…”

“Actually, that’s another thing. I want you to know I see you, but I want you to see me too. And I think that starts with you knowing my name, my real one, just for us.”

I pull back in shock. Members of The Society never give out their names. Like literally,never.