“I’m okay,” she says in a hushed voice.
Suddenly, I feel like an asshat, sitting here crying while she needs me. I grab the water on her bedside table. They had said she would be thirsty when she woke up, so I got her every drink they had available downstairs plus three cups of water with all different kinds of ice in case she wanted cold or room temperature.
She gratefully takes the one full of ice from my hands and greedily drinks it dry. When she’s done, she hugs me.
“How’s Arrow?” Her question is hesitant and I know why. She’s not sure if she wants the answer. I sit back and meet her gaze.
“He’s out of surgery and doing well. They think he will be awake soon.”
Her body relaxes into the bed and I squeeze her hand, feeling her relief along with her. I scoot up on the bed, holding her close to work up the courage to tell her what I need to do.
“Why is your heart racing?” she asks, lifting her head from my chest.
When I look down at her, she must see what’s coming because a wall of steel is locked into place between us in a second.
“You too?”
“Me too, what?” I ask, tilting my head.
“You’re going to leave too, aren't you?”
My chest burns, but I don’t tell her no. I won’t lie.
“Arrow isn’t going anywhere, Unicorn. He’s going to be yours and you’re going to be his. It will be how it was supposed to be.”
Anger flashes in her eyes before she lands a punch to my jaw. Except, she’s right-handed, and it jostles her hurt shoulder making her cry out in pain as she keeps trying to hit me.
“Fuck you, Havoc. Fuck YOU!”
I wrap my arms around her, stopping her from hurting herself as she falls apart.
“You said we would be stronger together even in our pain. So why would you leave me now?”
A tear falls from my eye without my permission as I allow myself to breathe her in one last time.
“I’m doing this for you, baby girl,” I whisper.
She winces and pushes me away and I let her while I continue to move out of her proximity.
“Go to hell, Havoc! You’re doing this for you and we both know it. Don’t try to blame me when you’re the one who’s scared!”
I shake my head, but it’s better this way. If she knows I’m leaving to try and keep her safe, it will only hurt more. But anger, anger will help her get over me much faster.
I try to swallow over the lump in my throat as I leave her room and head to Arrow’s. I planned to leave a note telling him to love her and appreciate her and that I’m doing this all to keep her safe, but when I round the corner, he’s sitting up with his eyes open.
“Hey,” he says sleepily.
“Hey,” I say, trying not to let him know anything’s wrong. I don’t want him to freak out after such a big surgery. I move to his bed and comb my fingers through his hair, causing his eyes to fall closed for a second. He looks at peace, then he opens them.
“What’s wrong? Is Laney okay?”
“She’s good, she’s good,” I say quickly when he tries to sit up. I keep him in place so he doesn’t tear his stitches.
“Then why do you look like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re here to deliver some sort of bad news?”