I’m confident I will though. Adrik has taken enough from us. We have been plotting and planning with our lives on the line while the ones we love are at risk. He has to be stopped. I can’t even go to see my parents while I’m here because it’s too risky until we take him down.

I walk them both to my room at the estate, and Havoc sets his bags down. He immediately makes himself comfortable on the bed. Arrow looks hesitant as he steps inside, not putting anything down.

“I’ll just get my own room.”

Havoc and I both look at him. “Look, Arrow, will you please tell us what’s going on?” Havoc begs.

He shakes his head. “We’re good, I just need some space before this.”


“Then I’ll take my old room and you can stay here with Laney, that way the two of you can have your own space.”

I can see it’s killing Havoc to let go of what he wanted with Arrow. It breaks my heart for him. Damnit, between the two of them, I won’t be surprised if I leave this place with heart arrhythmias.

“I can just take your old room.”

Havoc looks at me and I shrug. I don’t have the energy to fight about this. If Arrow is going to do this, there’s no stopping him. I’m not going to get on my knees and beg for him to stay no matter how much I want to. Instead, I shrug and leave them to discuss it while I take my stuff to the closet.

I close the door behind me. Once I’m far enough in, so neither of them can hear me, I let the piece of my heart Arrow once held shatter at my feet. I can feel Havoc’s will wrapped around it, doing everything it can to keep us tied as one, but it’s no use.

Sitting on the closet floor, I break down, my body folding in on itself. Silent tears run down my face like the river Styx washing away all the life I had left. As strong as I try to be, there are parts of me that are still as delicate as a flower. A very stressed out, needy, and incredibly horny flower, but delicate nonetheless.

I hardly breathe for fear of them hearing me. I’m not a damsel in distress, and although I may be crinkling like crackers, I refuse to ever need a man to save me from a broken heart. I also don’t want my tears to be the thing that changes his mind. I’ve spent enough time manipulating men in my life, these two are the ones I never want to have to do that with. If Arrow wants to be with me, he has to fight too. And clearly, he’s done fighting.

I close my eyes and let the sadness sink into my bones. Then, I take deep calming breaths to get rid of it once again. My heart may be in pieces, but I’ll get back up again on my own. I always do. At least this time, I know that when I get back up, I’ll still have my titan of chaos by my side. I don’t need him to save me, but I have a feeling he’s going to anyway.

Chapter 20

She’s been crying. I saw her face, no matter how hard she tried to hold it together. Arrow left for my room, and I can’t for the life of me figure out what the fuck is happening right now. He’s suddenly just done with this—with us.

When Laney finally emerges from the closet, her face is red and her eyes are puffy. She tries to pretend everything is okay.My sweet girl. She wants to be the toughest cookie in the room all the time.

Laney walks right to the bathroom, even though I can see what she really needs is a hug. I follow her because this isn’t going to be us. She splashes water on her face, and I wrap my arms around her middle.

“Please, don’t.” Her voice is so hoarse, it only breaks my heart further.

“Don’t what?” I whisper in her ear, pushing my face into the crook of her neck to breathe her in. Even surrounded by sadness, she’s the sweetest thing in the room.

“Don’t try to comfort me. Don’t try to tell me it’s all going to be okay. Don’t look at me like I’m something broken and not a weapon to be rivaled.”

I pull back and look at her in the mirror.

“Baby, you’re the most dangerous weapon of all. No one expects a unicorn to breathe fire. I’m not comforting you because I think you’re weak. And I’m sure as fuck not the man to tell you that everything will be okay when I have no idea what tomorrow brings.”

I move her hair to the side so I can kiss her cheek.

“But I will be here when you’re sad and hurting because I love you. You’re strong on your own, my unicorn, but we will always be stronger together. Even in our pain.”

A tear falls down her cheek, and I catch it with my finger before licking it off. Her eyes flash in an instant, from sorrow to desire. This is how I know we’re made for each other.

It’s not the happy moments that define who we are together, but the times we face trials and despair only to come out more united in the end. I plan to show her that even without Arrow, we can be enough. Even if it hurts.

My hand cups her face as I spin her around and lift her onto the counter. Laney’s lips meet mine in a kiss that says everything we are feeling.

“I know you’re hurting too, Havoc. Let me help make it better?”

I nod as I continue to kiss her.