“You ready?”

He nods, looking equally eager and apprehensive. It’s so fucking hot. They’re both covered in sweat at this point, but when I land the first hit to Arrow’s back, the beads of perspiration drip down his face.

I watch him carefully. I don’t want him doing this to prove a point and for me to end up taking it too far. His eyes open and lock on mine, telling me everything I need to know. He wants this.

I land a hit to his chest and he shudders, but I don’t think it’s from pain. I watch him carefully and the moment he opens his eyes, they beg me for more. I strike his pecs that stand out beautifully for me with his hands bound behind him and he lets out a groan.

I smile as I move to his back, painting them both in a myriad of stripes that range from pink to bright red. When I’m finished, they look like a sculpture. A work of art that belongs only in the finest of museums.

Tossing the flogger on the bed, I move back and position myself between Laney’s legs. Pushing her ass up, I’m free to slide right into her in one swift motion.

Her walls pull me in, clenching so tight I nearly see stars. My piercings rub along her back walls, creating a new sensation for the both of us as she clamps around me.

“Fuck, baby girl. This punishment won’t last much longer if that’s how you’re going to play. Suck his dick for him, I need him ready.”

She does as I ask, but the pained expression he meets me with is one begging for release. I pump into Laney, making her groan and mumble all sorts of sounds while choking. It’s the most beautiful symphony.

I can feel my orgasm building, so I press the button to increase the vibrator in her ass. Arrow comes without permission, spilling deep down her throat. It’s hot as fuck, but not what I wanted.

“You don’t stop, baby girl. Keep sucking his dick until I let you come.”

It won’t be long, but I want to see him squirm for her. Arrow whimpers as she sucks on the head, polishing it with her tongue, and I reward her by leaning over and rubbing her clit. When her pussy grips me this time, I can’t hold back.

“Come with me, baby. Both of you.” I smack her tender ass. “But you save his cum for me.”

Laney’s whole body shudders as she detonates and Arrow groans as he thrusts his hips up, spilling deep in her mouth. I lean over her and tilt her head so our lips can meet. When she feeds me Arrow’s cum, I swear I thicken inside her again. Her sweetness mixed with the saltiness of him is like a combination of all the things I love.

I’m slow to pull out of her, but once I do I make quick work of untying them and grabbing the arnica gel. They remove their own plugs while I dampen the towels I had ready. I help clean them up and lay them on the bed together, tucking them in before I take care of myself.

Once I’ve washed my hands, I head back to the bed and lay between them, taking turns to rub the gel into their wrists and up Arrow’s arms as well as down both of their backs. They melt into the mattress, but I remind them to drink a bottle of water before we all fall asleep together. This time with me in the middle.

Laney pulls her body to mine, fitting perfectly under my arm while Arrow allows his body to lean into mine. He makes no mention of anything between us, but I hope he’s feeling this pull as much as I am. If not, I don’t know what I’ll do. I want them both because together, they feel like home.

Chapter 17

I feel like there is a big ‘but’ coming from the universe. Everything is going so well, and I know better than to assume it will last. Arrow and Havoc feel like the pieces of my heart I never knew I needed.

“So, things are going well?” Evie asks.

We are hanging out in her room from which she has banned the guys from entering for the evening. Neither of us have said it out loud, but I think both our lady bits need the break.

“Is better than ‘well’ a thing? I don’t know. I don’t want to jinx it.”

Evie laughs. “After all you guys have been through, neither of them are allowed to fuck this up without answering to me.”

I blush, loving that I have a friend so willing to defend my heart and honor.

“Things are going really well, what about you?” I ask.

“These men keep me on my toes, that’s for sure.”

“Is it crazy that less than a year ago, we were plotting how we were going to get you away from them and now you’re practically engaged?”

She winces. “I don’t know if the proposal thing was legit. I think it was just something said in the heat of the moment.”

I look at her, dumbfounded. “Um, ma’am. Have you seen the way those boys look at you? I’m actually surprised they haven’t convinced Lev to tattoo ‘property of the kings’ on your forehead while you’re sleeping.”

She rolls her eyes. “Those boys know better. Alexi knows I’d rather flay my skin off than walk around like that. They wouldn’t dare.”