Havoc looks at me blandly. “Our dicks, Arrow.”

He laughs under his breath and I try to picture that happening. It doesn’t bother me to think about. In fact, my first thought is what it would feel like if they did cross and Havoc wrapped his large hand around them both to stroke us while Laney laid there tied to the bed under our bodies.

Would we get off together and coat her in our cum? Or feed it to her only for her to give it back to us?That thought process alone should have me even more worried, but he doesn't allow me to be in my head for too long.

“So, you’re good with this then?”

I look at Laney’s sleeping form and how she’s tucked into him. They fit together perfectly, and I can’t help but wonder if there really is room for me in this too.

“Let’s just see how it goes.” I don’t want to be dishonest because I’m not one hundred percent good, but maybe after some time I could be.

“Alright. Well, tell me about yourself.” I’m taken aback by his straightforwardness.

“Uh, what do you want to know?”

“Everything. What’s your favorite hobby?”

I think on that for a minute. “I love competitive archery, but I also really like getting outside to play European football. Something about kicking the ball around feels therapeutic.”

“No way,” Havoc whisper yells. “Me too, man. I love getting out there just to kick the ball with someone. Don’t get me wrong, punching the bag is a great outlet, but when I’m on the field and running, it helps clear my head for real.”

I smile, knowing the feeling exactly. “It’s almost like time stops, right? Like you’re able to organize the chaos in your brain when your body is working hard but only focused on that one goal.”

“Oh, one thousand percent man.”

“So, what are your hobbies?”

Havoc looks around as if there were someone in Laney’s room in the middle of the night that could possibly overhear this conversation. I find myself smiling as I watch his theatrics.

“You cannot tell anyone this, okay?”


“No,” he whispers as he leans in close, “you have to pinky swear, man. This is top secret shit.”

I reach out with my pinky, and he takes it with his with the seriousness of a blood contract.

“I like to bake.”

I bark out a laugh, but he puts a finger to his lips while gesturing to our girl, who is dead to the world at the moment. We spend hours talking, only falling asleep once the sun seems to be making its presence known on the horizon. It’s going to be a rough Monday, but it was worth it.

Getting to know Havoc made me realize he’s not a bad guy, and that I can trust him to keep our girl safe if I’m not around.

I’m beginning to understand what Laney saw in us, all of us together, and I’m coming to realize just how amazing that could be.


We quickly fall into a routine together. Laney’s room becomes our home and all our stuff is moved between her and Havoc’s spaces. Havoc and I use his bathroom to shower and get ready so that we don’t accidentally wake Laney up too early. That girl is a terror if you mess with her sleep.

We have family dinner together every night, and it quickly becomes my favorite part of the day. Well, other than my classes with Laney. I confided in Havoc about not being able to walk her to class and that it bothered me, so he’s started walking with us every morning so I can have that time with them both without it not looking like I’m showing too much favoritism to Laney.

He drops her off at class and then heads off to teach his own, only to come back and sit with me during office hours and bring me a coffee. The guy must pay attention too because the only coffee I drink is a perfectly made flat white from one of two machines on the island, and he always has one ready for me.

Since we now share an office, sometimes we will sit and talk, getting to know each other. Other times, we have students coming to us for advice and we help them together. It’s created a sort of camaraderie between us just in the past two weeks.

Laney is studying today and probably will be during dinner, so Havoc and I grab her something from the dining hall and drop it off. She opens the door long enough to grab food and give us both a kiss before she darts back to studying. This girl is serious when it comes to learning and grades and it only endears me to her more. Her intelligence is sexy as fuck.

“Want to come back to my house and have dinner? It isn’t much, but I have a few beers in the fridge. There’s also a couch I can assure you we won’t be at risk of finding Evie naked on.”