His eyes bulge. “I’m definitelynota bottom.”
I look him up and down. “Maybe not with her, you’re not. But with me, you’d be a bottom.”
Arrow shoves me back and breaks our contact, his face as red as a damn tomato.
“Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say, Havoc.”
I smile as he removes his shirt. “So what’s our plan here?”
“I’m going to join her in the shower. I’m a pleasure Dom, so I want at least one of her orgasms all to myself. After that, I’ll bring her to you and sit back. Bring me into the scene how you want, but you deserve her pleasure as well.”
“I’ve never seen a pleasure Dom in action. Care if I watch?”
He removes his pants and boxers, tossing them aside to reveal a fully erect, delicious-looking dick. Just as good as I remember it. It’s been a long ass time since a man has caught my attention in the way Arrow seems to.
“Looks like you’re already watching.”
I stare at his cock as he walks into the bathroom and steps into the shower with Laney.
“You boys figure stuff out?” she asks him.
“The only thing we are figuring out, Kitten.” He spins her, putting her tits up against the glass facing me. “Is how many times we can make you come between the two of us.”
Her eyes roll back in pleasure as he rubs his dick along her ass. She lets out a moan of pleasure just as her gaze locks on mine. Everything in me wants to whip out my length and stroke it while I watch them, but I’m saving the big reveal for when I have both of their attention on me. So for now, I’ll watch.
Arrow’s arm comes around her front and spreads her smooth pussy open, as if he’s putting her on display just for me. I lick my lips thinking about what she would taste like.
He’s leaning into her ear, whispering something to her, but I can’t make out the words. She nods, and he hooks her leg over his arm and pushes into her in one swift motion. She groans, trying to dig her fingers into the glass as he fucks her.
My eyes are glued to all the ways he moves, pushing deep and pulling back out to the tip. Using gravity to punctuate his thrusts, he lifts her up only to let her fall back into him. It’s mesmerizing, seeing the way the two of them melt together.
It takes the will of the gods to stay up against the wall, refusing to move a muscle while I watch him take what I so desperately want. I can admit Arrow looks good, but my unicorn is even brighter than a damn rainbow right now.
Her wet hair is sticking to her face, tits bouncing up and down, and her smooth skin on display for our viewing pleasure. I can only imagine how soft she must feel under his touch as he tweaks her nipples and roams her body with his hands.
He nips and sucks at her neck, leaving marks I sure as fuck plan to mark over, all while his gaze travels to meet mine. He’s taunting me.
Two can play this game. The first time I see our girl come, I want it to be with my cock buried deep inside of her, not his. So I turn away and examine the rest of Laney’s toys.
I grab some silky light pink rope out of the cabinet and a silver butt plug with a pink heart jewel on it. Then, I grab the other tools and lay them all out on her nightstand before closing everything up.
Not wanting to make a mess of the bed, I strip the comforter from it so she can cuddle up after a quick change of the sheets. Now we play the waiting game.
I’m a patient man, but when I hear her come for Arrow, I swear I count the seconds until he brings her in to me. He comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist while he holds her all wrapped up in a robe that seems to double as a towel.
I take her from him and kiss her while sitting down with her in my lap. “You sure you want us both, my unicorn?”
She hums and then her bright blue eyes meet mine.
“I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.”
Her long nails trail over the stubble coating my face, scratching just enough to feel good.
“I want you, Havoc. All of you.”
This time when her lips meet mine, I can feel just how sure she is that she wants this. Arrow, keeping true to his word, takes a seat across from the bed as I take my time slipping Laney’s robe off.
Her hair is still wet, so I settle her between my legs, turning her back to me as I grab the brush from her nightstand.