“I’m Havoc. I came here to warn her.”


I told them who I was and what was happening, and they still insisted I be locked up. Laney is escorting me so that’s one benefit to the scenario, I guess. I feel like we have grown close over the fifteen minutes we’ve known each other. I listen to her bicker with her over-possessive boyfriend and smirk. Her attitude reminds me so much of E but with a different spark to it.

“You shouldn’t have to pretend for your boyfriend, that’s messed up.”

He was crowding her, making her feel insecure and small. So she basically told him to fuck off, but in a way that made him feel like it was his idea. Quite genius on her part, even if it’s weird for a relationship.

“He is not my boyfriend.”

Okay, not a relationship. Odd.

My arm spasms, and I look down at her. A grin pulls at my lips.

“You’re kinda feisty. I like that.”

She rolls her eyes. I’m about to remark just to keep our playful banter going when a new face comes into view. Damien.

“Who’s this?” he asks.

“This is Havoc.” Laney talks to him, and her grip becomes surprisingly light on my arm.

I figured out how the tape is placed, and I think I know just how I could get out of it if I wanted to. I just don’t really want to right now. I’m having too much fun. Besides, I know this security system already. I can be out of there in five minutes if I want to be.

Damien just walked away when her phone chimes. I easily glance over her shoulder and memorize the codes he sent her. She pockets her phone and walks me inside this mini torture shed they seem to have set up here. It’s actually impressive. But when she pauses and seems to go white as a sheet, I read the message over her shoulder again and see my former best friend’s name pop up.

This time it feels like she’s actually sharing it with me. After a moment, she puts her phone back into her pocket and walks me to the wall with cuffs secured to it by a long chain. She removes the tape after she’s locked one around my wrist.

I can’t seem to shake how broken she looks. I hate how Adrik is able to control her. He’s a world-class manipulator. It’s obvious how much she cares about her friend. I don’t know the corner he’s backed her into, but how she’s acting alone tells me this is not a path she would have chosen on her own.

Without thinking, I pull her into a one-armed hug. It’s not comfortable by any means, and I can’t remember the last time I fucking hugged someone that wasn’t E, but I don’t question it. My heart is aching to fix the look on her face.

She mumbles words, but I can’t really make them out so I just pull her closer, giving her every ounce of comfort and support I can offer. I should probably stop to think about why I’m doing this. I’m an assassin, not a coddler. But I say fuck it and keep going with my instinct, it’s rarely been wrong before.

“I’ve known E for a long time,” I say in a low voice. “If you tell her the truth, she will forgive you. It will take time, and it will hurt, but she will forgive you.”

I let her soak in my words while she connects the other cuff to my wrist. Her color seems to come back as she thinks, strength returning to her eyes. She looks like someone who just needs the room to believe she’s strong and she will be. So, I believe it for her.

She leaves with a new resolve in her, that pep in her step returning before she’s even out the door, and I can’t help but feel proud of her.

What the fuck is happening to me?

I sit and count to fifteen. I need to make sure the cameras get a decent feed of me being a good boy before I get the fuck out of this place. It smells like blood and sweat and other bodily fluids I refuse to recognize. I mean, I’ve used a torture chamber before, and it’s totally normal. But I’ve never had to sleep in one like this. I look to my left and see a bucket. Now, I’m that much more motivated to get out of here.

I stand and stretch, curling and uncurling my fingers to return blood flow to them. I’m able to slip out of the cuffs fairly easily since Laney didn’t put them on too tight. Plus, I’m well-trained in dislocating fingers to get out of tight spots.

I make quick work of hacking into the very basic security system with my phone. I wonder who told them to pick this system because the name might be a reputable company, but the feed is easily hacked with the basic package they seem to have. Laney was aware I still had my phone on me but made no attempt to take it away, so I can only assume this is the outcome she was hoping for.

I insert the video of me sitting there on repeat. My finger twitches at the end, but I’m too antsy to do it again. No one would notice anyway.

Leaving the cute little shed, I head back to the dorms and search for Laney, wanting to talk to her more?to get a better story about what happened. When I find her, she’s fucking the man she claimedwasn’ther boyfriend. I stare through the window for only a moment, memorizing the picture of her perfect tits and round ass.

The man has a nice dick too, if that’s even a thing. He clearly knows what to do with it at least. I abandon the scene before I get a hard-on,okay even more of a hard-on, and have to take care of myself in the bushes like some sort of deranged stalker that I amnot. Well, at least not right now.

I head to the hospital again and this time, I’m able to get in undetected. I park myself in the room by E’s and keep one eye on her door. These men look like they’re protecting her, but I need to see more to know for sure.

Chapter 2