“Do you know a girl named Evie? I’m trying to help her. Some bad people are after her and I can’t find her.”

“Evie?” Her eyebrows raise in recognition, and then her eyes narrow. “No, I’m not falling for this shit. No one is getting close to her. The Kings won’t allow it, and I sure as frick am not letting my friend get hurt again.”

She starts to pull me away, but I plant my feet solidly on the ground.

“You don’t understand. It’s my job to protect her. I need to see her. She doesn’t know who’s really after her.”

“Yeah. Okay, and you do, buddy?” She rolls her eyes. “How do I know you’re not the one that’s after her?” Her nails dig into my arm, and I clench my teeth. Fuckith me, those babies are sharp enough to be a weapon on their own.

“I have protected her since the day I met her. Take me to her. She’ll vouch for me.”

“How do I know I can trust you? That you won’t try to kill her the moment you see her.” It’s a valid question and I know just how to answer. I don’t fight her. I could likely flip her over my shoulder and get out of these bindings if I had enough time to work through them, but she cares for E, I can see that. I want to respect that.

“Check my ankle. We have the same blades. I taught her to use them. Look at the engraving on the side.”

She hesitates. It’s a compromising position for her to put herself in. If she bends down, I could easily kick her, taking her out without too much thought. I’m much larger than her, and even though she has this monstrosity of tape holding me back at the moment, I do think that if she let my arm go I’d be able to get out of it.

But, she must read something in my eyes. “Don’t move a freaking muscle.”

I don’t, which is odd. I’m not usually the listening type, but this isn’t a joking matter. I’m not willing to risk anything here. I keep my body stiff while she pulls up my still-wet pant leg to find the blade. Standing up she examines it closely, checking the engraving with an intensity I want her to look at me with. E and I made all of our blades together, but just that one has both of our initials on it. E&T.

“What’s the ‘T’ stand for?” she questions.

“It’s for my real name, but you can call me Havoc. E does.”

“Why do you call her E and not Evie?”

If she doesn’t know that Evie isn’t her real name then I don’t want to blow her cover, but I need to give this girl something.

“Where she grew up…where I trained her, we went by first initials for the higher-ups. It was easier to sign a single letter out on jobs, and honestly, her name never really felt like her. She’s been E to me since she was eleven.”

We stand there in silence, the girl looking from the blade to me then to the hospital. She’s contemplating, and I’m honestly glad for it. At least I know E’s alive or else we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

“Is she okay?” I ask, needing to know.

“No.” That’s all I get while she stares off into the distance. I can see the hustle and bustle of the hospital inside. A lot of people are injured, not just her.

“Can I see her?”

She sighs and slips the blade into my pocket before taking my arm again. I’m stunned she gave it back to me, but I also feel something happening here, and I’m not sure what it is.Is she trying to trust me? Why keep up the charade with the tape and shit then?

As we enter the building, I instantly get an answer to my question when we step out of the elevator. A man approaches her, a feral look in his eye. He looks older, closer to my age, maybe a teacher of some kind here.

“Who’s this and why do you have your hands all over him?”

The girl rolls her eyes and pushes past him. There’s only one room with the glass-paneled doors closed and a man with white hair stands just outside looking in. I’m able to hear part of the conversation behind the doors and that’s when I begin to recognize the men standing around. These are the ones Evie was asking to let in on the mission and Adrik refused.

A painfully familiar voice reaches my ears.Boris?

That’s been Evie’s target for years; I only just found out he isn’t guilty. If E is faking her injuries at all and going to take him out, I need to stop her. Without thinking, I rush for the door. Just before I can make it, a body slams against me, and the girl’s hands are on me again. I really need to figure out her name.

“Laney,” the guy that approached us barks.Well, that was helpful.

Before they can do much, I toe the door and flip it open. My eyes instantly go to Evie. I know without a doubt that she isn’t faking shit, she’s really hurt.

A flashback of carrying her out of the damn camp in Syria plays across my mind. I’m thankful now my hands are taped because they are shaking uncontrollably. I think Laney can feel it too, and her grip on me turns from painful to soft as I center myself with a breath.

“Who the fuck are you?” The guy on the bed asks, Alexi. I take in the room as I get my bearings. I know all of them. I try not to stare at Boris in the corner, if he recognizes me before I can explain he might just take me out here and now. I look back at E, how Alexi is holding her and trying to shield her body with his own.Damn, and I thought I was protective.I see his arms pull her closer, and decide honesty is the best way to go here.