“What’s that?” I ask, changing the subject by nodding to the glittery pink present he’s holding.
“It’s for you. I also came to explain a few things. I know we talked a lot last night, but I need you to know my intention was not for you to find out from Boris.”
He takes my hands in his as he speaks. I can see real worry in his eyes. While I was never mad at him, I did feel like he was keeping something vital from me, and I did understand. I would have just preferred to hear it from him.
“I’ve been asking him for a while to tell you about who I am, but he refused. I gave him an ultimatum when you were gone and I was drunk. It wasn’t my best choice, but I’m just glad you know. I don’t want there to be secrets between us.”
My chest burns. I still haven’t told him about the kiss with Havoc, or what I feel like it means yet. I just don’t feel like he’s ready to hear it. It’s not a secret, per se, because we never agreed to be exclusive. I was very clear on that. But I don’t love the idea of keeping it from him.
“I’m not mad Arrow, I’m glad I know now so we can move forward.”
I take his hand in mine. As much as I care for Havoc, I can’t help but wonder if part of it was just me needing someone there while I figured out who the heck I’m supposed to be in this group dynamic. Who I want to be.
“You want to move forward with me?” His nose touches mine as I push our foreheads together.
“Very much so.” He kisses me and I melt into him. His lips are so soft, and the way his tongue caresses mine has me soaked and needy in under a minute.
“Arrow,” I breathe, getting on top of him and setting the gift to the side. “I need you.”
“Hmm,” he hums into my mouth. “I need you too, Kitten.”
His hands grab at my waist possessively, and I will never admit out loud how much I love it. The idea of being owned by him and letting him own my pleasure makes my heart flutter.
I push him back and grind myself down on his length. He’s so hard under his pants. It feels so good that apparently both of us forget the door is still wide open.
A throat clears, and I look back to find Nessa in the doorway. Where she’s getting a perfect view of my bright purple thong under my skirt. I’m not shy, and I won’t body shame myself just because this is awkward, so I don’t hurry to get down. She’s the one staring after all.
“Can I help you, Ness?” I ask, not moving from my spot on top of my man. Arrow tries to move my hips, but I stay as still as a statue.
“I just wanted to see if you were still up to go to the library, but it looks like you're busy.”
She doesn’t even try to hold back her grin as she folds her arms and leans against the door frame. I totally forgot about our study/planning session. We’ve both been wanting to help Evie create connections to the students on the island as well as the guys.
For some reason, I get the feeling we are going to need everyone on our side in the future. Plus, allies in this world never hurt. Reluctantly, and with a sigh, I get off of Arrow.
“Sorry, I forgot, but I do want to go. Give us like, five minutes?”
She looks between Arrow and me. “Sure you don’t need at least ten?”
I glare daggers at her. We may have talked about our sex lives while both drunk and in our bubble baths at Christmas, but this is not the time to be bringing that up.
“Five minutes, Ness.”
She smirks then stands back up straight. “Want me to close the door?”
“Goodbye, Ness.” I walk over and push the door closed in her face. I can hear her laughing from the other side, but I try to ignore it.
“Sorry, I really do need to work on some stuff with her.”
Arrow is sitting up now, adjusting himself.
“It’s okay, I just want to see you open this.”
He hands me the gift with a shy look on his face. I sit next to him and tear through the paper like a savage.I love presents.
A black box with kitty whiskers and a nose in an iridescent pink reveals itself, and I shiver in anticipation. I love his nickname for me.
Opening the lid, I find a pink chrome two-finger brass knuckles in a familiar cat shape. As I lift it out, I notice it feels heavier than my normal ones. Not by a lot, but enough to let me know these could do some serious damage. The ears are much longer than I’ve seen before and almost resemble an arrow.