“That’s dangerous.”
My mouth drops open. “Shut up, you brat.”
I swish my hand at her, only to spray my phone. We both crack up at the ridiculousness of the moment.
“Okay, okay, what was your idea?”
“I want to dial back the competitiveness on the island. So much crap happened because of the hierarchy that’s being forced on the students. I know Evie and Alexi want to change it, and I think we should start by reaching out to students who might be struggling.”
“Struggling, how?”
“Like, say someone is doing exceptionally well at hacking, but they are struggling with combat. Let’s help create a time in the day or week when we can all use the skills we are well-trained in to help others. Damien and Evie could work in combat, you in sharp shooting and driving, and I could help with tactics and manipulation as well as poisons.” I pause, giving her a moment to think about my idea.
“That could actually work really well. What about the others?”
“I was thinking maybe Alexi could aid in business tactics and Lev could do his computer thing. If we all add something and make it more about working as a team to be better instead of pitting us against each other, then maybe we can start creating a better world.”
“Laney, that’s really fecking smart.”
“Thanks,” I say as I flick my pulled-up hair dramatically. “Some call me a genius.”
“Well, I wouldn't go that far.” She smirks and I fake being upset.
We talk for over an hour, until both our baths have run cold. Once we have a solid idea, I jot down notes in a tab on my phone so I can send Alexi the idea later. I want to make sure it’s all thought through well before sharing, or he will shut it down.
He might not be thinking how important it is to have people at your back. But if this new family has taught me anything, it’s how much we all really need each other.
If I can do this right, then maybe all of the pain and suffering will be worth it in the end. If we can leave this world a better place than we found it, then there has to be peace on the other side for us.
Chapter 10
I arrive at a familiar gray building and square my shoulders to prevent a shiver from racing down my spine. I don’t think there’s any evidence that could be used against me here. Nonetheless, it’s like walking into the lion’s den while willingly wearing fresh-cut steaks as underwear.
So, stupid basically. That would be the word to describe what Boris and I have been planning.
I walk up the steps, knowinghewill be here today. It’s Thursday, the day we train new recruits and scout others. Entering through the double doors, I try not to wince as the familiar gym scent assaults my nose.
Serves me right for getting accustomed to that sweet vanilla and cherry blossom scent. Familiar eyes glare at me from across the room, so I affix my normal ‘nothing can touch me’ smile to my face while parading around the raised ring like I own the place.
Fake it till you make it has never applied so well to my life. Okay, maybe it has, but no one needs to know that.
“Hey, brother,” I say enthusiastically, ignoring the questioning look Adrik pins me with as I clap his shoulder and pull him in for a brief hug. My muscles are all as stiff as can be, but that’s pretty normal for us anyway.
“Don’t ‘hey brother’ me, you prick. Where the fuck have you been?”
His scowl would be enough to melt most men’s defenses. Good thing I’m not most men.
“I was on a mission. Took down three diplomats without raising any suspicion. Have you not been getting my hit correspondence?”
He hasn’t because I haven’t sent any, but Adrik is a full-on idiot anytime technology is concerned, so I expect him to lie through his teeth.
“Of course I’ve gotten them.” I have to physically fight an eye roll so hard I nearly give myself a headache just thinking about it. “Why haven’t you answered your phone?”
“I swear I said in my last communication my phone got destroyed, and I was in one of those situations where a new one wasn’t a priority. What’s going on? Why are you acting like I’m a suspect for a crime I’m not even aware of?”
I fake my most confused face as I look my friend up and down. Former friend. How did I never see him for who he is?His black hair speckled with silver is unwashed and unkempt while his suit looks like it hasn’t been washed in a few cycles now.
He must finally fall for the charade because he lowers his eyes, and the exhaustion pulling at him reveals itself as clear as cracks in armor.