“I don’t know what I should do. I’ve never been so confused about a girl before.”

“Poly relationships can be a really beautiful thing if everyone is in it for the right reason. Talk to her, tell her all about how it was ‘love at first sight’ and that you’re willing to share”

“E, with her, it was love at first threat.” I laugh and she laughs with me.

Conversation is easy with her as we make our way through the few other shops on the block. More than a few times, I catch members of my team staring at E with undisguised interest. I level them with a shriveling glare. Boris isn't forthcoming to his men about my past, so I'm not sure who they think I am, but they have all learned quickly that my word is law.

Regardless, I'll make sure they know E is off-limits unless they want to end up butchered, slowly. I think she notices my power and authority, and I so badly want to tell her the truth about my assignment with him.

Initiation matters in the Bratva, but I’ve been given some leniency to help pull off this plan. It’s the only reason I keep my mouth shut and pray this doesn’t blow up in my face.


A few days later, I knock on the door, feeling weird as fuck. I tried to go to E’s room, but her bed was made and cold, which really only left one option. I hear some feet padding across the floor and Alexi comes into view, a pissed-off look written on his face.

“You do realize that in the rare moments we all actually get to sleep, the last thing we want is to be woken up for no damn good reason.” His sleep-covered eyes meet mine and I give him one of my signature smiles.

“Well, sleepy head, I’m leaving for my initiation mission, and I wanted to say goodbye to E before I left since I’ll be gone for a little over a month.”

His eyes widen before narrowing at me.

“Where the fuck is my father sending you for over a month?”

I shrug. He knows I can’t tell him.

“Could be shorter. We’re just now coming up with a plan, but you know how it is. Sometimes it’s two weeks, other times it’s three months.”

He shakes his head before an equally sleepy-looking girl steps out from behind him.

“Go get your present for him,” E says, shoving Alexi in the ribs.

Well, this should be interesting.

“I heard you say you’re leaving?”

I nod and her arms wrap around my waist. It’s not the usual affection I receive from her. As I pull away, she tightens her grip on me and her voice sounds sorrowful as she whispers her goodbye.

“Thank you for coming here. Thank you for always choosing me.”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her as close to me as I possibly can while my heart twists in knots.

“Anything for you, E. You’re the only family I’ve got left.”

She pulls back with a grin, wiping at a tear that falls.

“That’s not true anymore. We both have more family to fight for than I think either of us knows what to do with.”

Alexi comes back to the door, scowling. But when his eyes look down at E, his tone changes to genuine concern.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. The man may be a total prick to the rest of us, but he looks at her like he can’t live without her. Just like the moon craves the earth-always beside her in endless orbit.

“Havoc was just reminding me of how much I have to be thankful for today.” Her eyes light up as she kisses his cheek then heads back into the room.

Gone is the pissed-off guy who opened the door. I have an odd feeling the man before me is just Alexi, not the heir to the Russian mafia. He hands me a black bag with neon pink tissue paper, and I can’t bite back the smirk.

“I thought it matched your taste in women,” he remarks.

I actually laugh, no matter how hard I try to hold it in. He’s not wrong. I open it and hold up a sick sweatshirt that says ‘Feeling Stabby’ complete with throwing blades and a skull. It’s absolutely perfect.