“Why does your room smell like sex?” Havoc asks as he walks in.

I’m not sharing my secrets with him, but the look on his face tells me he already knows so I just shrug.

“What should I wear for this?” I ask, walking over to my closet. Being the over-packer I am, I know I have a good range of options available, but he’s the expert, and I want to know what’s best.

“Shorts and a tight sports bra are best. Loose clothes can snag easily as well as give your opponent something to grab you by.”

I take in his tight black tank top and gray sweatpants that are anything but loose. My eyes must linger a little too long because he clears his throat, causing me to blink back to a reality where I didn’t just stare at his crotch.

I turn around and grab a bra and shorts, then remove my shirt. I’m not really a modest person. My body is my own to share with whoever the heck I want, and I don’t mind getting dressed in front of him. He, however, seems to freak out for a second.

“I’ll um, I’ll just… wait outside.”

He turns to leave just as I get the bra on and face him.

“I don’t care if you stay.”

I don’t say it too loud. He can choose to ignore me and still leave. But for some reason, I want him to stay. I want him to know I feel comfortable with him and trust him with this piece of me. Deep down, I feel like I always have. Even when I tried to pretend on the plane or ignore his presence in my suite.

“Oh.. um. Okay.” He makes his way back into the room hesitantly and sits on my bed.

I turn around quickly before he sees me silently laughing. Have you ever seen those videos of animals approaching a harmless object with so much trepidation that they nearly fall over, only to realize the object was a shirt that got caught on a tree or something?

That’s what Havoc looks like sitting on my bed. His butt is hardly touching the edge as if he’s just hovering. My phone dings, and I answer it after sliding my shorts on over a new thong that matches my outfit perfectly.

Alexi: I do not appreciate being played like some sort of fool. Pull shit like that again, and I will make sure you are out.

Laney: I’m not dumb, so I know that’s an empty threat. Be glad she knows. I watched her anxiety nearly overtake her today and send her into a panic attack because she could sense something was off.

I go into the closet and put on my running shoes, knowing cardio is going to be part of this training. So annoying.

Alexi: That doesn’t mean you tell her without my permission.

Laney: Wrongo, my friend. Girl code states otherwise.

I laugh, picturing the face he’s going to make at that.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Alexi is pretending to be mad at me.” I open the door and Havoc follows me out then takes the lead.

“Pretending?” he questions with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, pretending. I’m very good at what I do, Havoc. And knowing how others feel before they do is a big part of what I was trained for.

Alexi: I’m going to need a printout version of this code.

Laney: Sorry, can’t. It’s top secret.

The smile won’t leave my face, even as we turn into the most intimidating gym I’ve ever been in. It looks like something straight out of the movies. Like a villain's workout arena/dungeon.

Alexi: It’s a good thing she needs you.

Laney: Love you too, buddy!

I put my phone down, but it chimes again with a message from Arrow. Instead of leaving it on the side of the room, I figure I can message him while stretching. Havoc starts walking me through the warm-up, and I notice him getting agitated every time my phone makes a noise. I turn it to silent, but that just causes him to stare at me.

“If you want me to train you, then I will. But that has to go.”