Page 89 of Mafie Trials

“How old do you think I am?” I ask as I sit up on one arm, looking down at her. She rolls on her back as she answers.

“Aren’t you like thirty-five?”


“What? I thought one of the instructors said they couldn’t believe someone in their mid-thirties could look as good as you do.” She shrugs as if that was all the explanation needed.

“I just turned thirty this year,” I say in a serious tone as I wrap my hand around her throat. “I’mnotan old man.”

Her face turns in my hold, a grin playing at her lips. “Whatever you say,old man.”

She whispers the last part, and it’s almost enough for me to fuck her again to put her in her place. But that’s not why I came here. I let go of her neck with a sigh.

“As much as I missed this,” I cup her pussy with my hand and push my cum back inside her. She gasps and grinds down, tempting me but not quite enough to distract me. “I also missed you. How are you doing? How are things with Evie?”

The lust-filled gaze fades as she moves to sit up. “I’m going to clean up then make us some coffee and we can talk. I can’t talk casually with your fingers inside me, trying to prevent your cum from dripping out.”

I laugh, “I’ll clean it up for you with my tongue if you like.”

A flash of arousal goes through her, and I feel like she might take me up on the offer. Fuck, I want her to. She leans in and kisses my lips, soft and sweet, then gets up.

“No, I missed you. I want to talk too, and then maybe more of that.” She winks as she walks into her bathroom. I tuck myself back into my sweats, not giving a shit about the mess. I’ll wear her cum like a medal of honor.

We settle into the couch with coffee as she tells me all about her trip. How she and Evie are back to normal, how she saw a man tortured to death and just how much it bothered her. She tells me about her being there when the shock of who I was hit. I realize now there’s going to be a lot of groveling ahead. As well as a lot of orgasms. The second isn’t as much of a chore though.


I walk into the classroom, to the shock of the students waiting for their usual professor. We lost a few of them to Bryce’s cause. Evie and Laney are sitting together with the Kings surrounding them. Their eyes all go wide.

“Good morning class, I’ll be teaching your finals course.” I set my stuff down on the desk as I face everyone. “In this room, we are going to learn a little bit more about our history as an organization and a university. Additionally, we will be discussing your upcoming trials.”

I make eye contact with Laney and forget the rest of my words.

Fuck, she’s beautiful today.

A tight pink crop top squeezes her tits, pressing them up into her face, thoroughly distracting me. She notices and tries to sit up straighter, but then her hair falls forward into her shirt and all I can picture is the marks I left on her just under that low collar. It isn’t until Evie clears her throat with a smile dancing on her lips that I’m drawn from my silence.

“So,” I clear my throat as well, trying to regain my composure. “Who can tell me why the university is called Mafie and not Mafia?”

Eyes dart around the room, looking to who might want to answer the first question of the day. Slowly, Evie raises her hand.

“Miss James,” I nod in her direction.

“Mafie is the original term for the people that grouped together and revolted against the farmers of Sicily. When the farmers stopped paying fair wages to those who protected their lands, they planned a revolt. Instead of a physical battle, they fought with strategy and will. They refused to work for the farmers and used tactics such as racketeering, bribery, even blackmail to force the farmers to increase their wages. Eventually, they were chased out and those were the original ‘Mafia’”

“Correct. When the Italian government finally decided to help the island of Sicily with their crime issue that they created by pushing so many into poverty with wage thieving, they forced those who were part of the mafie out. A small group of those men are the ones that found this island here and established this university.”

Damien raises his hand. “Yes?” I question.

“So, how did we all get here then? There’s only one person in the room with Italian mafia heritage. How did it grow?”

I raise my eyebrow at him. Firstly, for knowing the background of each student in this room, and secondly for asking such a good question.

“That’s a good question. While they did work closely with the Italian mafia at first, as organized crime grew, they enlisted more and more crime syndicates.”

Laney raises her hand next and I nod to her. “But the foundation of the Italian’s is still fairly strong in our studies as well as the traditions of the school, correct?”

“Precisely. It’s why a lot of our phrases such as ‘Cosa Nostra’ are Italian based even though this is now the headquarters for the future rulers of the underworld.”