Page 135 of Mafie Trials

Boris shoves the dead bodies out of the way while shutting the door and locking it. He grabs the final grenade and we look down to watch as the men exit the building.

However, the moment they are out, more men are approaching. We watch with wide eyes as they set down a package at the base of the tower and every single one of them runs into the west building for cover.

I look at Boris and he shuts the window. Before I can try to take cover his body wraps around mine and folds us under a dest. The air around us seems to vibrate and the building groans. I hold my breath and clench my eyes when the feeling of falling overtakes me. My stomach bottoms out and I vow if we make it out of this alive that I will never go on another roller coaster again.

The last thing I feel before pain shoots through my body is Boris scrambling to hold me tight to him, as if he alone could protect me.

Chapter 58

I watch in horror as the tower across the runway from me falls. Smoke is in the air, fire already blossoming around the scraps that are left of the walls. My fingers are flying over the keys, doing everything I can to re-open communications.

When the action started, I was talking to Evie and Damien as we were setting up. Damien mentioned Evie being off but didn’t know what to do about it. We both just figured it was about the events to come and tried to give her space to process. But as this night that was supposed to be our victory takes a turn for the worse, I can't help but wonder if she knows something.

I can't communicate to anyone and I only have brief moments where I can get the cameras up. The only thing I can think is that the men out there are wearing frequency jammers, which would explain why everything started off fine. It also explains why I can randomly get through to some people but not others.

Did she know? Did she tell him? I can’t help but let that small inkling of doubt unfold in my mind until the speakers finally light up.

“Lev, Lev, Ghost.”

Evie is screaming, frantic, and just the sound of panic in her voice assures me this isn’t her. But who was it?

“I’m here, Lucky Charm, I’m here.”

“What’s going on?” Damien asks.

“He knew. The fucker knew we were planning this.”

I fill them in on where everyone is and what I’ve seen happen. I can't get Alexi’s comms to go through, but I can see him on the cameras.

“Little Shadow, what’s going on?” Damien says. “She’s freaking out dude, I don’t know what to do. She never panics like this.”

“I’m right here, I’m just trying to think. This doesn't make sense.” Her attitude is fierce, but I know it’s because she’s scared.

A loud crash sounds through the speakers, sounding like the building is about to fall down around them. I look up to see Laney standing on the edge of the roof launching explosive arrows on the team that’s surrounding the bunker.

“It’s Laney,” I tell them. “She’s clearing a way for you guys.”

I don’t dare tell them that I saw Arrow go down or that I don’t know if Havoc made it in time.

“Alexi went into the building. I can see him taking fire on the east end. If Laney opens a window for you, Alexi needs you.”

Silence greets me on the comms. I decide to say fuck it with the surveillance and go out there to fight along with them, but Evie stops me in my tracks.

“I love you,” Evie says, her voice nearly breaking when I open up comms through all of us.

Chaos ensues over the lines. Everyone is talking at once, but my mind only latches onto Evie’s words. That didn’t sound like the girl I’ve come to know. That sounded like goodbye.

“Quiet. Now!” I yell over the line and everyone calms down.

“It’s Damien’s dad. I don’t know how or why, but it was him. I watched him kill my parents.”

Another bout of silence and my heart rips in half, knowing she’s about to do something stupid.

“I love you.” I watch on the computer as her radio signal dies. She turned it off.

“What the fuck?” Damien’s voice rings out.
