Page 10 of Mafia And Taken

Before she could say anything else, her body sagged, and she slumped in my arms as she blacked out.

“Damnit!” She was definitely unwell, probably as a result of the hit to her head.

Irritated, I got out my cellphone and rang Dr. Cotrone. “I need you to come look at the girl as soon as you’re done with her father. She’s passed out—it’s likely a concussion. I need her conscious ASAP to carry on my questioning.” I knew the doctor would be nearby in one of the neighboring interrogation rooms taking a look at the father.

After ending the call, I looked at her small body collapsed on the damp concrete floor. As I lifted her into my arms, she stirred and cried out as she saw my face.

“I need the doctor to look at you,” I said tersely. All this was delaying me from my task at hand, namely extracting information from her.

For some reason, something in my gut told me to take her into our house. I exited the garage block and made for the front door of the mansion, turning sideways so as not to hit her body against the door frame as I carried her inside.

I then took her up the staircase, heading for my bedroom and putting her down on my bed. “The doctor will be here soon.”

Her whole body trembled. “Is this your bedroom?”

“It is.”

“I can wait for him in the garage…” She spoke quickly as she huddled against the headboard. She probably thought I had brought her here to rape her.

“Lie down,” I ordered.

As she lay down on the bed very slowly, a wary look in her wide eyes, there was a knock at the bedroom door. I opened the door to see that the doctor had arrived and stepped out of the room to talk to him.

“I couldn’t feel any broken bones, but she has a large bump on her head and there are cuts and bruises that need looking at. When we found her, it looked like she had fallen down some stairs, but I don’t know what happened before that.”

“If you can wait out here, I’ll take a look at her now,” replied the doctor.

I felt my eyes narrow at his words. “I’ll be staying in the room while you check her.”

“With respect, Alessio, you’re not family and it wouldn’t be appropriate for you to be in the room while I examine her.”

“Fuck propriety. She’s our captive now, and I’m staying with her.”

The doctor sighed. “Fine. Let’s take a look at her now.”

I opened the bedroom door and allowed the doctor to go in ahead of me.

“Hello, Caterina. I’m Dr. Cotrone. Alessio has asked me to check you over. Is that okay with you?”

I don’t know why he was asking her that, I thought. I was in charge here and if I said she needed examining, he just needed to goddamn do it.

She gave a slight nod, and he opened his bag and took out his equipment. I listened to his various questions, and I watched while he ran his hands over her body and checked the knock she had suffered to her head.

I impatiently paced up and down the bedroom while I waited for the doctor to complete his examination. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his hands which were touching her small body. I wanted to break every one of his fingers, slowly and painfully.

By the time he was finished, Cate looked to have passed out again.

But I was taking no chances.

I pulled out the syringe I had stashed in my pocket.

Removing the cover, I pressed the end into her neck. I couldn’t risk her waking up during what I was going to do to her next.

As the needle jabbed into her skin, she gave a slight moan, and then the drug quickly took effect.

I pierced the doctor with a stare. “Put a tracker in her.”

“Alessio,” he sighed.”I know we sometimes put trackers in your prisoners when you’re worried about them escaping. Unlike a trained enemy, however, this girl has no chance of getting past you or your soldiers. Plus, she’s a woman…” It was obvious that the good doctor was reluctant to carry out such a procedure on a female.