Page 57 of Mafia And Taken

“Why so far away?” she asked in disbelief.

“The FBI can’t touch us there because our connections are too strong. We’ll lie low there until we have sorted out this whole situation.”

I watched as she settled down to sleep. She tried to discreetly wipe away some more tears.

I didn’t try to comfort her—I knew there was nothing I could say at this moment to make her hate me any less.



I just watched Cate until she eventually fell asleep.

Her telling me that she wanted the marriage annulled was like a stab to my heart. I tried to temper my rage and told myself that she was in shock after learning the FBI might arrest her.

But deep down, I knew she was rejecting me and denying our relationship.

And she was doing this even though last night she had responded to me and shown me that my feelings for her weren’t just one-sided.

Usually, I kept myself in complete control of my emotions, but somehow this woman had gotten under my skin. Emotions were a liability for a Made Man. In our world, the fewer people we were close to, the simpler things were for us.

But I needed Cate like a man needs oxygen, and I knew that I couldn’t be without her now. I just had to convince her that she felt the same—and until then, I needed to control my fury.

My body coiled tighter as I looked across at her sleeping form. I wanted to drag her into the plane’s bedroom right now and finally drive my cock relentlessly into her tight virgin pussy. I needed to fuck her into submission, leaving her in no doubt that she belonged to me—and that there was no escape.


A while later, I went over to where Marco, Camillo, and Juliana were sitting.

Juliana was opening a Tupperware container. “Marco, I brought your dinner with me, seeing how you were too busy to eat earlier.” She pulled out silver cutlery, and using a fork, she picked up a mouthful of the food and brought it toward Marco’s mouth.

Marco eyed the fork warily. “Did you burn it?”

“Of course,” she grinned. “Now open up.”

Marco, to his credit, managed to keep a grimace from his face as he swallowed the forkful.

Why the hell she brought the food with her was beyond me. I mean, we had a chef on board who could cook anything we wanted.

A muffled sound came from the seat behind Juliana.

I knew that sound anywhere.

It was a snore.

More specifically, it was adogsnore.

Juliana had brought her damn dog along with her.

I took a few steps forward and caught sight of the dog who was sprawled across two seats. “What the hell is the dog doing here?”

“I didn’t want to leave Mr. Fluffy behind,” Juliana responded.

“We’re going to Italy to get away from the FBI. Last time I looked, your dog wasn’t on the FBI’sMost Wanted List,” I said tersely.

Marco interrupted me. “It’s a stressful time for Juliana, what with feeling rough with the pregnancy, all that upset over her sister’s wedding, and now this shitshow with the FBI. If Mr. F keeps her happy, then I’m happy too.”

“Well, I’m not happy,” I snapped.