“My cellphone wasn’t charged, so I had to use the landline instead.”
“But why are you back at your apartment? Mamma mia, don’t tell me you’ve already left him!” exclaimed Nonna in shock.
“No, it’s nothing like that, but we stayed here last night.”
“You shouldn’t be back at your apartment. The Marchiano mansion is your home now. I hear it is one of the finest homes in Chicago—you are a very lucky girl.”
“We went there yesterday. I didn’t know that the Capo’s wife has a dog. I don’t want to live in that house with the animal. You know how I hate dogs.”
“Oh, darling, is that really the reason? I know you don’t like dogs, but what has really happened between you and Alessio?”
I sighed. Nonna knew me too well. When I didn’t say anything, she carried on. “I know it’s hard for you. It is always hard for the new bride. I still remember how terrified I felt when I married your grandfather. Everyone had so many expectations of me, and there I was, marrying a stranger. Not only marrying him but I was also expected to warm his bed on the wedding night. But look how it turned out with your grandfather. Give it time—you will fall in love with Alessio. And he will fall in love with you.”
“I doubt a man like that is capable of love.”
“All men are. It just takes them a while to realize it.”
“I don’t think I want him falling in love with me. He’s a monster.”
“Men in our world have to do certain things. It’s best just not to think about those things. Keep it separate from your marriage. And in time, the other things will be good as well—you know, the sex.”
“Nonna!” I felt heat wash over my cheeks.
“You are lucky that he will be well-experienced in these matters.”
“Oh yes, I’m really lucky that he’s been able to sleep around with as many hookers as he liked.”
It was a known fact that the men in our world were free to sleep around before marriage—and that they all took full advantage of this. On the other hand, we girls were expected to behave like nuns and had to remain pure, innocent virgins until our wedding night. For men it was different—it was thought that if you were old enough to kill a man, you were old enough to have sex. After all, both were acts that could produce blood.
I wondered how many women Alessio had slept with in the past. But then I mentally shook myself and told myself that I shouldn’t care—he meant nothing to me.
Thank God that there would be no display of the virgin sheet this morning. Otherwise, we would have had some explaining to do.
If people had seen there was no blood on our bedsheets this morning, they would have thought that the Fratellanza’s Consigliere was weak. It was thought that a Mafia husband shouldn’t spare his new bride on the wedding night, no matter how painful the act might be for her. I was grateful for that small mercy. Not that I wouldn’t have the whole of the Fratellanza speculating about how my wedding night had been.
“So how was the sex last night?”
“Nonna, you can’t ask that!”
“What, do you think you young people invented the concept? It takes a while, but once you get to know each other, it can be very enjoyable in the bedroom. It was with your grandfather.”
“Nonna, that’s enough. I can’t hear any more about what you did with my grandfather.” This conversation was mortifying. I wasn’t about to discuss what may or may not have happened on my wedding night with anyone.
“Anyway darling, you should go back to the mansion straightaway. You don’t want to anger your new husband so soon.”
“It’s okay. Alessio said we can stay at my apartment for a bit.”
“Really? I suppose it might be nice to have some privacy—you know, just the two of you. But most girls wouldn’t pass up the chance to live in that fine mansion.”
“You know I don’t care about things like that.”
“What about security, Cate? Have you told your uncle that you are staying at the apartment? He will need to send back the soldiers that were guarding you there.”
“Don’t worry, Nonna. Alessio already has his own soldiers spying on me. They followed me the moment I left his mansion, and I can see that they’re still outside right now.” I looked through my apartment window down at the two cars that were obviously Mafia—gleaming black SUVs with tinted-out windows.
No doubt they would also follow me to work today. But I didn’t mind that if it meant that I could go to my job and see the children today.
After some more casual conversation, I hung up the phone and got on with my breakfast. I was glad that I could still talk to my grandmother. She felt like the only real family I had left.