“I wanted to tell you before Jace and Megan, but I don’t have much time to tell them.”

She swallowed her disappointment, knowing how much they wanted Graham to stay here. “Why don’t you call and invite them to a family dinner sendoff tomorrow?”

“Instead, how about we offer to pick up food from DiLorenzo’s and just take it to Megan’s for dinner? If we do dinner and games here, I can see that devolving into you and Megan toilet papering the Ayers’ house.”

“Too dangerous.” But the humor helped ease the ache in her chest. “She’d likely look out the windows, and we’d get caught. We could let Reece and Jace sneak over under the cover of darkness and let the air out of her tires instead.”

“Do not give them any ideas.” He shook his head. “And you . . .”

“I’ll stay out of trouble,” she promised. “I want you back here. Soon.”

“We’d talked briefly about you staying with me once your pet-sitting duties were over, but . . .”

“With you needing to keep a low profile, it’s probably best if I do as well. I’ll proceed with plans to go to the beach, at least until you get back.” If only Erin had a fairy godmother who would have told her to leave the ball well before midnight. Too late now. They needed to ride this out and hope for the best.

Whatever that looked like.


When Erin pulledinto Graham’s driveway after her shift at the USO, the ache in her chest intensified. He’d only been gone three days, but she already missed him every bit as much as she’d expected. Knowing he wouldn’t be inside now or anytime soon made their separation even more real. She didn’t want him to have to leave Fayetteville permanently. With all the moves he made during his career, having his kids here made this home.

She carried in the suitcase filled with the items Graham had kept at her condo. With the cats’ owners returning in two weeks, she had to clear out, and there was no point in taking his stuff to the beach with her.

After she hung his uniform and clothes in his closet, she stowed his toiletries. Did she take her things or leave them here? She’d be back here soon, right? She wanted to be strong, bold Erin, but doing so and opening her mouth to Noelle had gotten them in this jam. Actually,Noellehad gotten them in this jam, but Erin’s comment about the sex hadn’t helped the situation any.

She left her things. Packing them seemed like admitting defeat, and she wasn’t waving the white flag in surrender. There was too much on the line.

She loaded the perishables to take home and then took out his trash. After locking the door, she hauled the suitcase and bag of food to her car. A dog barked and she grumbled under her breath. Even if Noelle planned to apologize, she wasn’t in the frame of mind to hear it. Erin steeled herself and turned. Seeing Sally walking her dog up Graham’s driveway was a slightly better alternative.

“Erin, I’m glad to see you.”

Her concerned expression appeared genuine and ignited a spark of hope that she could have some sway in her husband keeping Graham here despite their conversation at the ball. Though sending Graham to Africa certainly hampered any chance of introducing him to Piper and Madison, which Erin had told her needed to happen before a proposal. It wasn’t the only obstacle, but she wouldn’t help Graham’s case by raising her fears about getting married again.

Sally’s dog sniffed the bag of food in Erin’s hand. “I’m so sorry about what Noelle said to you at the ball. When Noelle said she’d met you, I told her how happy Sean and I were for Graham. He and Bethann had such a solid marriage we were afraid he wouldn’t be ready for another relationship. But circumstances being what they were with the prior commanders and then the rumor about Graham and one of the wives?” She gave a shake of her head.

Graham had never mentioned a rumor about him and one of the wives. It only took a second for Erin to know there was no truth to it.

“Well, Sean would have had no choice but to bring in someone new. I never imagined Noelle would tell you—much less a ballroom full of people—that Graham was only dating you to keep his command. And that it was an order?” Sally gave an unamused grimace. “What was she thinking? Sean may have said it could keep Graham here, but it wasnotan order.”

“I’m sure no one thought it was.”

“I would hope, but it’s still a bad look—for Graham and Sean,” Sally admitted and gave a low grumble. “Sean thought having you observe Captain Bryson’s team seemed like an excellent opportunity for the men to see you and Graham as a couple. I’m sorry to say Sean didn’t foresee anything coming to fruition with you writing for a television production because you are a woman and of a certain age.” She paused and gave an apologetic look. “However, after what was said at the ball, he’s concerned the men could think you and Graham were using each other to get what you needed.”

“Graham mentioned that. However, if we—”

“Even if you eloped when he got back, it would take you cutting ties to the show to convince the men your commitment is to Graham and the unit.”

Marriage and give up her dream? “Graham didn’t mention that.”

“He didn’t?” Sally gave a nod. “Hmm. Sean encouraged Graham to discuss it with you. Especially since Graham said nothing may come of it.”

That was a stab in the heart.

“Sean did give Graham another option. To end things—in the event this was a charade.”

“He did?” Graham hadn’t mentioned that either.

“Oh, my.” Sally’s gaze settled on the suitcase. “I—I never suspected you were faking it. That Graham would terminate your relationship, shows where his priorities are and could change things.”