“We need you at The Oasis right now,” a panicked Wren called, already heading back out.

“What’s wrong? Is it J.R.?”

“It’s John. Ariana is with him. She called 911, but we need you.”

Elizabeth dashed after Wren. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. One minute he was working on the deck and the next he was just there.”

Wren wasn’t making any sense. Elizabeth’s heart pounded as she rounded the corner, stealing herself for blood or broken limbs or—not John rocking on the new deck with Boss at his side.

“You’re all right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“I thought—” Elizabeth looked at Wren, her hammering heart slowing slightly. “She implied you were hurt.”

“Aw, you care.” He rocked back. “Or were you thinking if something happened to me you could keep my dog?”

“No.” Exasperation crept into her voice, yet his easy smile and humor took the edge off. The panic came from her not wanting anything to happen to him—except she couldn’t come out and tell him that because of how he’d likely take it.

“He asked me to get you down here to surprise you that it was finished, but it was my idea to trick you. Sorry. I forgot you hate surprises,” Wren said.

“No, but I, uh—” she broke off when the door to Hope Harbor opened, and a vaguely familiar-looking, bearded, dark-haired man joined them.

“You must be Elizabeth.” He gave her a genuine smile that instantly made her feel like a friend as he shook her hand. “John’s told me all about you. I’m Nate.”

“From the TV show. I saw you in the commercials.”

“And probably on magazine covers,” John added.

“That was me.” Nate ran a hand through his mussed hair.

“Nate came up early to help me knock this out before his bachelor party weekend.”

“That’s very generous of you. This is amazing.” She took in the deck that ran the length of the home. They’d added a built-in bench seat that wasn’t in the original plans.

“John told me about what you do here. I was happy to help out in a small way.”

“Small? It’s twice the size of the plans you showed me.” She eyed John.

John gave his usual shrug. “I watched some show about tiny home Airbnbs and the host kept going on and on about one’s spacious outdoor living area. Made sense to have enough room not to trip over Boss and for two chairs. We added the bench in case all you ladies want to hang out here rather than on your front porch.” He winked at her. “The retractable awning is manual, and it’ll shade about half the space.”

“Wow. You went above and beyond.”

“I had help,” he motioned to Nate.

“I only looked at the plans and did a few hours of labor.” Nate also downplayed his efforts. “This guy never does things halfway. Go big or go home.”

That was John. She knew better than to ask about additional expenses, especially in front of his friend. She’d have to find some way to pay him for the additional cost and his hours of labor—other than attend the wedding or other things she couldn’t do.


STAND BY YOU – Rachel Platten

Outside the courtroom,Elizabeth sat next to Ariana, who clasped and unclasped her hands as she bit on her lower lip. If not for Jillian standing by in uniform and John’s camouflage-clad, looming presence, Ariana might have caved already.

“Oh, seriously?” Ariana muttered. “He’s dressed like a frat boy.”