

By late morning,John had nearly completed attaching the deck’s support beams to the base anchors. His phone dinged. “Nate’s here, Boss.” He picked up the remote and strolled toward the gate with Boss at his side.

Boss pranced around while Nate parked where John directed.

“Hey, boy. Remember me?” Nate knelt on one knee.

“Of course, he does.”

“Good to see you, buddy.” The two exchanged a bro hug. “I heard you when you said we were building this deck on a tiny house, but I didn’t think you actually meant a tiny home. Are these bed and breakfast rentals?” He waved an arm at the other two.

“Not exactly. The woman who owns this place is a counselor. She offers transitional housing for women, typically, getting out of abusive relationships and needing an affordable place to stay.”

Nate nodded. “How’d you end up offering to help her?”

“Elizabeth is the one who adopted Boss—and gave him back to me.”

“Ah, so, you figure you owe her?”

“I definitely owe her. Turns out one of her tenants was being stalked by her ex. Since I was homeless and they had an empty place, I’m living here as security until her ex goes to trial.”

“You and Boss are living in there? This I gotta see.”

“Won’t take long. It’s only about three hundred square feet.”

Nate walked around, checking the foundations John had poured. “You do good work. You may have to join me when you retire.”

“That’ll be a while. But I’d love to get your help over at my house. I can do the demo of the kitchen, but installing all the cabinets is at least a two-man job.”

“I can do that—after the wedding and the honeymoon. We’re spending two weeks in Europe. Any chance we can get in so I can get a feel for what we’ll be doing?”

“Yeah. My renter is a guy on another team in Third Group. They let me take Elizabeth and the women living here in last week to see it. I wanted their input on a few remodel ideas—and I think they were afraid I’d use a camouflage motif and make it too masculine for resale.”

Nate laughed. “Show me this house first. I see what you mean about the front step.” He took in the high ceiling. “The height makes it feel bigger.” He picked up a floral throw pillow. “It’s, uh, cute.”

“It’s temporary. There’ll be another woman in here after I leave, so . . . I did put up a flag. The colors kind of match.” John sang, “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” and pointed to the American flag he’d hung on the wall facing the sleeping loft.

Nate climbed up the steps to see the loft. “Bed’s not made to Army regs.” He grinned down at John.

John flipped him off. “You go ahead and try it.”

Nate’s laughter rumbled through the tiny home as he backed down the stairs. “Guessing you don’t bring women up here.”

“Hardly.” He didn’t get into Elizabeth’s rules.

“Sorry about things with Britney. I still can’t believe she dumped Boss at the shelter.”

“She says it was her boyfriend, but she knew and didn’t stop him. She most definitely was notthe one. But, hey, I’ve got my dog. I’m not paying alimony. And I’m trying to make better decisions.”

“No plus-one for the wedding, then?”

“Not looking like it.” He wasn’t going to pick up some stranger or hire someone just to have a date. “Let’s knock out this deck.” That sounded like more fun than talking about his non-existent love life.

* * *

Someone poundedon Elizabeth’s front door. Before she could open it, Wren rushed in.