The focus shifted to Rhonda taking the baby out of the carrier.
“Way to score major points,” Matthew whispered.
“That’s not why I . . .”
“No? Too bad. My wife thinks the world of Elizabeth.”
“I’m not disagreeing with you. But I don’t think she sees me that way.” It’d be too much to hope for when she gave no indication of wanting a man in her life. But the utter longing on her face when Rhonda put her baby in Elizabeth’s arms told him what she did want—even if she wouldn’t admit it.
“How’s it going living in a tiny house?” Matthew asked, snapping John’s attention from staring at Elizabeth holding the infant.
“Oh, just fine and dandy.” John rubbed his head where he bonked it. “I’ll be moving out in a few weeks.” It was for the best, but there were things he was going to miss about living here. Not the tiny house but spending time with Elizabeth and that smile of hers. He may have to resort to saying Boss missed her as an excuse to come visit. Or was that a good idea with him relocating to Florida in a few months?
Though he’d planned to duck out after making an appearance, he got caught up talking with the women while observing Elizabeth’s interaction with them. Ariana fixed him two plates of food before the guests departed.
“You were in on this.” Elizabeth cornered him as he took down the streamer decorations, since he didn’t need a step ladder to reach them. “Asking about gifts. The trip to the home improvement store today.”
“I got drafted, and it was under duress.” He jerked his head toward Wren.
“I figured she was behind it. She was fishing for my birthday a few months ago. Normally, I hate surprises, but this was . . . It meant a lot.” Her eyes got misty again.
“You’ve earned every bit of that love and respect.” That wasn’t why she did what she did. He understood that. Other than their love of Boss, in most ways they were opposites. But the adage about how opposites attract was becoming more and more true—at least on his end.
Elizabeth placedher and Jillian’s lunch order at the kiosk, then found a table on the outdoor patio. Jillian slid into the seat across from her, her uniform and gun drawing attention from tables of nearby diners.
“Thanks for ordering for me. How much do I owe you?”
“This is on me.”
“You don’t need to do that.” Jillian gave a dismissive wave of her hand.
“Well, I have a favor to ask.”
“Ariana having more problems with J.R.?”
“No, fortunately. It has to do with John. He’s looking for a date for a wedding where he’s a groomsman next weekend.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Jillian’s brows dipped cautiously.
While Elizabeth finished giving her a rundown of John’s situation with the reality show contestant, the server brought their food. “I told him he should ask you.”
“Sounds like he was askingyouto go.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“Why not?”
“It’s just not. Besides crossing lines since he asked for relationship advice—”
“Wait. You’re counseling him?”
“Not counseling, though I did suggest he might see someone after what happened with his ex, but he asked me for advice as a friend.”
“Okay. Whatever. But how does that preclude you going to the wedding with him?”