“Yes. Most people guess Irish.”

“How do you ladies know Elizabeth?” Something about these two was different than the former Oasis residents.

“Paula and I work with Elizabeth. I’m Charis,” she said in that delightful brogue. “So, you’re the soldier whose dog she adopted?”

He nodded. Did everybody know about him? Was that good or bad?

“I thought she was a little daft adopting a dog that size, until I heard what happened with you coming home. Things often happen for a reason. I can see you having a dog that big and energetic.”

“Yeah, little dogs can’t keep up with me on my runs.” John turned instinctively when the front door opened.

“Rhonda. Oh my.” Elizabeth moved to greet the new arrivals coming through the door and embraced the woman. The man who entered behind them gripped a baby carrier at his side. “You had the baby already?”

“She was nearly two weeks early. Sorry we’re late. We’re still trying to figure out schedules,” Rhonda said as women gathered around.

“She looks so perfect,” Elizabeth cooed.

“She is.” Unconditional love played out in Rhonda’s voice. Her husband set the carrier on the coffee table and stepped back, allowing the women to get a better view.

“What’s her name?” Wren asked.

“Elizabeth Rose.” Rhonda smiled at Elizabeth. “After you.”

“You didn’t need to do that.” Elizabeth’s voice faltered.

“You’re the one who didn’t need to do everything you did for me.”

“For a lot of us,” Neecy chimed in.

Rhonda’s husband parked himself next to John. “I’m Matthew.” He stuck out his hand.


“Which one is your wife?”

John choked on the meatball in his mouth. “No. I’m just a friend,” he said as Wren and Ariana neared.

“He’s more than that. He’s a resident here.” Wren smirked.

Matthew looked John up and down. “You’re staying here?”

“Because my ex-boyfriend was causing trouble,” Ariana explained. “John is a Green Beret. He’s staying here in case my ex shows up again.”

“You’re no fun,” Wren retorted to Ariana. “At least I didn’t tell people he’s the birthday stripper-gram.” John choked again as Wren turned to Matthew. “Congratulations. Rhonda said you have the letter.”

Matthew nodded and discreetly pulled an envelope from the diaper bag. Wren took it and disappeared into the kitchen.

“I’m going to get something to eat,” Matthew said when the women started asking his wife about labor and delivery.

“Everything’s great.” John followed.

“A Green Beret. That’s impressive. Thank you for your service.” Matthew loaded up his plate.

“What do you do?” John took another ham roll.

“I’m a loan officer at a bank. I couldn’t do what you do.”

“I just analyze different kinds of risks than you. There are days I wonder why I do it, but most days, I can’t imagine doing anything else.”