What was he hinting at? “Keep your distance, and you should be fine. It shouldn’t be hard with a lot of people there.”

“She’s pretty persistent.” He glanced at Elizabeth while waiting for the light to change. “It looks like the producers are trying toshipus too. So, I wondered if you’d be willing to go if you don’t have plans that weekend.”

“Me? That’s—that’s not a good idea.” Why would he ask her? “Don’t you have a friend you can take?”

“Besides you? No single ones who are strictly friends. I’m not asking one of my buddies’ wives, and I don’t have cousins.”

He gave her puppy dog eyes that rivaled Boss’s begging look. Was the whole deck part of his plan to have her indebted to him before asking her to go? Just when she was starting to trust he was different. “What about taking Jillian?”

“Officer Price? Am I hertype?” he drew out the word, making his innuendo clear.

“No, you’re definitely not the type she goes for. It doesn’t matter if you’re just faking it. She’s attractive and in a line of work that matches up with your career. People would buy you being a couple to keep other women at bay.”

“It could work.”

His disappointment jabbed at her, but it wasn’t a good idea for her to go. She’d never be able to convince people they were involved romantically. “I’ll see if she’s free for lunch and give her a heads-up that you’ll be asking.”

Why was she even going along with this? Was it because he was actually trying to change his pattern of behavior like she’d suggested? Or did the idea of him potentially hooking up with some woman bother her, even though she wanted him to find the love and happiness he deserved?


I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU – The Rembrandts

Dayam.That hadn’t gone as he hoped. Instead of getting in Elizabeth’s good graces by doing something nice for her and her residents, he managed to annoy her, at best, with his insistence on paying for the supplies. He didn’t totally get that, but she wasn’t like most women he knew. He liked that about her. But he wasn’t going to make her feel like she owed it to him to attend the wedding.

He did his best to keep her distracted as he waited for the gate to open in case a guest had parked where she might see their car. No vehicles were in sight, and he hoped he wasn’t early. It would suck if nobody showed up.

“I can help you unload,” she said when he stopped in front of her house.

“I’ve got it from here. I’ve taken up enough of your time.” He engaged in his own silent showdown when she didn’t immediately get out of the truck. “You can start fixing some of that delicious lasagna.” He tried to keep it light so she wouldn’t feel too bad about turning down the wedding invite.

“You really are incorrigible.”

“I’ve been called a lot worse. No rush. I’ve got the enchiladas.”

She got out of the truck. To avoid making her suspicious, John didn’t wait for her to go in.

He smiled, seeing all the cars parked around the tiny houses and even one peeking out from behind. They’d taken his spot and where he planned to unload the lumber, so he parked at the edge of the woods.

When he let Boss out, the dog sniffed the air and looked for the people he heard. His barking probably startled a few of the party guests.

A few minutes after going inside, there was a knock at his door. Wren opened the door without waiting for him to answer. “Aren’t you coming to the party?”

“I didn’t know I was invited.” Since she’d never said anything about him coming, he figured it was women-only.

“Of course, you are. Bring any ice you’ve got. We might need it.”

“I’ll be right there. How’d she react to the surprise?”

“She was surprised, all right.”

“In a good way?” He grabbed the ice trays and a baggie.

“Mostly. We scared her, but when she saw everyone who came, her reaction made it all worth it.”

“Then it sounds like that’s the gift she appreciates.”

“I guess you’re right. Come on. The women want to meet you.”