J.R.’s car lapped the lot several times, then disappeared. A few minutes later Ariana came out.

No sign of J.R., but John tried to think like J.R. might. He checked the time. “He might have been guessing about when you would be off. Decided you’re working ‘til four. He might show up in a few minutes. Let’s get out there and see if he comes back.”

“Are you serious?”

“Heck, yeah. We need to be out there before he sees I already put air in your tires. Can we get a picture of that car?”

He thanked the security guy and added the printout to the stack before leaving with Ariana. “Wait by the exit. Let me do a surveillance pass. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.”

“If he’s out there, he’s going to see you.”

“Naw, I’m in camouflage.”

Ariana rolled her eyes at him.

John headed down to Lawn and Garden and exited there, peeking through the shrubs before dodging between vehicles to his truck. He backed out and made a pass through the parking lot, then chose a discreet space where he had a clear line of sight to Ariana’s car.

He parked then called Ariana.

“Come out alone this time and walk slowly to your car. Reenact checking your tires and getting on your phone.”

Ariana barely got to her car before John picked out J.R.’s sedan as it edged out of a parking space by the office supply store down the strip.Nailed it. Now it was time to nail this asshole.

J.R.’s car stopped when it rolled up on Ariana. John exited his truck and kept out of sight as he snuck nearer. He couldn’t make out all J.R. said to her through the open window, but something about dinner and talking.

“Really? That’s why you’re here?” Ariana didn’t move closer.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

John crossed the lane in a few long strides while J.R. was focused on Ariana. He slapped the roof of J.R.’s car.

J.R. jumped in his seat. “What the hell, man?”

“You coming by to play hero? Too late. I already put air back in her tires.”

“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” J.R.’s gaze darted away.

“No?” John flashed the first print out in J.R.’s face. “This is the guy who let the air out of two of her tires. And this is a picture of you cruising through the parking lot about the time she was supposed to be coming out. Coincidence? I don’t think so.”

“That wasn’t me. I just got off work. I’ve been there all day.”

“I know it wasn’t you—and I hope to hell you are smart enough to have an alibi. However, this is the car he got into. When we run the plate, is the car going to come back registered to one of your friends?” He waved the paper so J.R. couldn’t get a clear look. “Cut your losses. Admit what you’ve done and throw yourself on the mercy of the court, rather than dig yourself a hole you can’t get out of. Capiche?”

“It’s not your business, man.”

“That bruise on her face made it my business.”

“J.R., we’re over,” Ariana spoke up. “He’s right. You need to get yourself together before hanging out with your druggie friends lands you in prison.”

“You’re the one trying to put me in prison,” he snarled.

“Dude, that was all you.” John pointed a finger at J.R. “If anything else happens to her, or her car, or her friends, you’re gonna wish you’d walked away. Get out of here, but remember, we’ve got evidence you were here.”

J.R. peeled out, nearly running over John’s boot.

“Good job,” John commended Ariana.

“I didn’t do anything. It’s all you. Thank you.”