“One of your Army buddies? Right, like two of you being there would be less obvious.” She laughed. “But if you brought Elizabeth, like you were on a date and got there before us . . .”
“That could work.” To help Ariana, Elizabeth would go. And it wasn’t like he’d mind having dinner with Elizabeth. Not at all. She intrigued him.
“We all do things we wish we could undo, so I want to give him a chance. I don’t want to be stupid, though. I’m meeting him at seven.”
“Plan to be there about ten minutes early. Text me the restaurant name and address. I’ll talk to Elizabeth when she gets home.”
* * *
John threwa ball for Boss in the front clearing when Elizabeth arrived home. Boss bounded over and dropped a slobbery tennis ball at her feet. She tossed it in John’s direction as he ambled toward her. Her other tenants usually respected her space. John, not so much.
“Evening. Hate to ambush you, but thought you’d want to know when Ariana got home a little while ago, she had a bouquet of flowers. I was hoping they were from a new love interest, but—”
“No, please. Not J.R.”
“Yup. And she’s meeting him for dinner.”
Why? Why? Why? She sighed. “She’s an adult . . .” Which didn’t guarantee making the wisest decisions.
“I asked her not to go anywhere with him afterward, and she mentioned being open to having a friend at the restaurant.”
“Okay.” At least that was something.
“I volunteered.”
“Oh. Good.” Maybe John would scare J.R. into leaving her alone.
“She wants you to come too and pretend we’re on a date. I don’t think she trusts me not to make it super awkward if I’m alone.”
“We’re supposed to pretend we’re on a date? Like he’d believe that we happened to be at the same restaurant.”
“It’s what she wants. If you have plans or don’t want to, I’ll still go.” He rubbed Boss’s head and waited.
She looked for an out. “Did you see if you can even get a reservation?”
“Don’t need to. He’s just taking her to Mi Casita. You won’t need to put on heels and diamonds. I’ll change into something nicer for our date, though.”
“It’s not a date.”
“Throw me a bone. I came back from deployment to get dumped.” He winked at her. “I’ll change and feed Boss. Pick you up in twenty minutes, if that’ll give you enough time. I want to get a table where I can keep an eye on them.”
Something told her John looked forward to this mission, maybe a little too much. “I’ll be ready.” But it wasn’t a date.Hehadn’t asked her out. Elizabeth would do it for Ariana, who wanted her to go. And to make sure John didn’t end up in trouble.
John was alreadyout of his truck when Elizabeth stepped out on her porch.
“You look nice,” he said, and spun to open the truck door for her. “Sorry about the dog hair.” John brushed a hand over the seat before she climbed in his truck.
“No worries. I’m in Boss’s spot. You look nice too.”
He’d changed out of his uniform and wore khaki cargo pants and a polo shirt instead of his usual jeans, graphic T-shirt, and ball cap. With his short, dark hair smoothed into place, he looked dressed for a date more than a reconnaissance mission. Only this was not a date.
She turned her gaze away from his all-consuming one before he closed the door and went around to get in the driver’s seat. “I appreciate you looking out for Ariana tonight.”
“That’s why I’m here. Though I don’t get why she’d go to dinner with him. You’re a counselor. What’s your take on why she’d consider getting back with a guy who hit her?”